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發表於 2016-12-31 02:08:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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SLIPKNOT is proud to announce today the launch of the band's first-ever digital app across Mac iOS and Android platforms,Wholesale Jerseys, simultaneous with the release of their first-ever best-of compilation,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, "Antennas To Hell". Appropriately entitled "Slipknot: Wear The Mask",Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the app is as much about the fans as it is the band. The point is for fans to learn something about themselves through SLIPKNOT's unique perspective and lens. "Wear The Mask" has social, gameplay, and photography aspects, but it is not any one of those things exclusively.Clown of SLIPKNOT notes: "Welcome to what we are. Welcome to what you are,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, and what we together have always been. SLIPKNOT is not a band. We are a culture and you are our blood. We play for blood. Enjoy your new face. It has always been there with you. Strap it on and let's infect the entire world together as one. It's time to Wear The Mask. Stay (sic) and enjoy it."Typical band apps are often either an abbreviated web site with tour dates and ticket links or a simple game that fans play once before growing bored. With "Wear The Mask",Cheap NFL Jerseys, SLIPKNOT and their partner agency,NFL Jerseys China, Saatchi & Saatchi – New York,Cheap NBA Jerseys, they aimed to do more. Together they wanted to create an experience for fans that allowed them to completely immerse themselves in the culture of SLIPKNOT.Saatchi & Saatchi New York's Chief Creative Officer Con Williamson adds: "SLIPKNOT's Facebook presence alone is over 12 million fans,Jerseys From China, so we wanted to create a way to give each one of those people an individual experience with the band. 'Wear the Mask' is an engaging, layered and multi faceted way to do that. Fans will discover an app that's complicated, disturbing, challenging and fresh,Cheap NHL Jerseys, and really true to their core. This will allow them to keep finding new ways to get even more lost in the awesome world of SLIPKNOT.""Slipknot: Wear The Mask" can be downloaded at wearthemask.slipknot1.com.

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