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Jerseys From China and the Vietnam War.On his return to Guyana









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發表於 2018-3-9 04:02:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Oscar RamjeetIt seems as if at least three persons will vie for the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) nominee for next year’s presidential race for the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.They are: General Secretary of the party, Donald Ramotar; Clement Rohee,Cheap Jerseys NFL China, who has been in the movement since he was a teenager; and Senior Counsel Ralph Ramkarran, who is currently the Speaker of the National Assembly.Oscar RamjeetI feel that Ramkarran, who is the son of founder member, and treasurer of the PPP, Ram Karran, is the best choice and he should be the next president of the Republic of Guyana.The well known city attorney grew up in politics and was in the trenches with his father in the early sixties.He joined the PPP as a teenager and sold the party’s organ “Thunder” as a child in 1957. He took over his father’s route as the senior Ram Karran entered government. He travelled with his father throughout Guyana on political campaigns before he journeyed to the United Kingdom to read law, where he was engaged in the free and fair elections and democracy campaign and took part with other foreign students on issues like apartheid in South Africa,cheap jerseys, and the Vietnam War.On his return to Guyana, Ramkarran was involved in defending party members. He was elected to the Central Committee of the PPP in 1974 and in 1975 in the Executive Commttee. He became Chairman for the Constitutional reform Commission in 1999 and Speaker in 2001,NHL Ice Hockey Jerseys, a position he still holds.Ramkarran has an impeccable character; he is extremely intelligent and can rub shoulders with world leaders.The president of Guyana, Bharat Jagdeo, is not eligible to run for office, since the Constitution was amended a few years ago restricting the presidency to serve only two terms in office.Guyana’s general elections are conducted on a proportional representation (PR) system, where the electorate votes for a party and not a candidate, and the leader of the party selects the representatives on the basis of percentage of votes cast.The PR system was introduced in 1964 by the British to keep Cheddi Jagan, the founder of the PPP,Wholesale Jerseys, out of office because of his association with Cuba’s Fidel Castro and his leftish tendencies.Ramkarran will get stiff opposition for the party’s nominee from Ramotar, who succeeded the founder of the party and father of the nation Cheddi Jagan in March 1997 as General Secretary.Ramotar, besides being the party’s General Secretary, has also been a member of the Central and Executive Committee, and is popular in the rural areas.It is rumoured that two others are interested in entering the race. They are Moses Nagamootoo,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, backbencher,Cheap China Jerseys Authentic, who has been active in the party since he was a teenager, and Agriculture Minister, Robert Persaud.Unlike the past two general elections, there is no automatic presidential candidate, since the incumbent is not eligible for re-election due to a constitutional term limit, having served two terms.There is no doubt that the PPPC will return to power not because it has performed well in the past, but because the two opposition parties, the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) are not strong enough to win the next general elections.The PNCR is much weaker today than it was at the last general elections because of internal squabbles and the AFC only has support in Georgetown and is almost unknown in the rural areas.

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