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Wholesale Jerseys Outlet who lives a stone’s throw away









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發表於 2018-3-9 07:11:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A pregnant woman was among three persons killed at around 06:30hrs yesterday, after the car in which they were travelling ended up in a canal after veering off the Friendship, East Bank Demerara (EBD) Public Road.Dead are Tamika Brumell, 25, who was seven months pregnant, her brother,NFL Jerseys China, Jason Brumell,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, 28,Wholesale Jerseys From China, their 40-year-old cousin-in-law, Police Sergeant, Shurland Thomas. The victims all resided at Supply, EBD.Kaieteur News understands that the car, bearing registration number PNN 6791, was driven by Thomas.According to eyewitnesses, the car was heading north along the East Bank Public Road to Georgetown, when the driver lost control while negotiating a turn and ended up skidding and overturning in a koker at Friendship.By the time public-spirited persons arrived to offer assistance,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the vehicle was already submerged in deep mud. The persons in the vehicle already appeared to be dead. The pregnant woman and the driver were pinned in the vehicle. At that time, eyewitnesses said that they thought there were only two persons involved in the accident since there was no sign of the third individual.A truck later arrived and pulled the wreck car from the muddy water. Persons then assisted in removing the bodies from the vehicle. By then, family members had arrived and notified persons at the scene that there were three persons in the car.There was another search mounted and the body of Jason Brumell was discovered stuck in the mud. The three were carried to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre, where they were pronounced dead on arrival.The doctor at the hospital opined that attempts could have been made to save the female victim’s baby if her body had been taken there 15 minutes earlier.Shurland-ThomasMeanwhile, Police in a statement revealed that according to their investigations, the driver, Shurland Thomas, lost control of the vehicle and ended up in a trench on the western side of the road.When Kaieteur News arrived at the victims’ home yesterday, the screams of their relatives could have been heard from afar.Rudolph Brumell, the father of Tamika and Jason, said that he had just finished packing his children’s lunch bags and sent them off to work, when Thomas,Cheap Jerseys Supply, who lives a stone’s throw away, pulled up with his vehicle and offered them a drop.The grieving father said that he received the gruesome news about 20 minutes after his children left home.Tamika Brumell, a mother of one, was a security guard for eight years at Strategic Security Service, while her father is the supervisor. Her 23-year-old boyfriend, Winston Lyte,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, told this publication that he lost what was supposed to be his first son and the woman he loves.Kaieteur News was unable to contact Shurland Thomas’ wife but was told that he got married three weeks ago. Thomas also lost his nephew, Alwin Carlos Thomas, in an accident four days ago at Lamaha and Camp Streets, Georgetown.Although persons at the scene opined that Thomas was driving fast, residents of Supply said that the now dead policeman was a careful man and never drove fast. They described him as a “helpful and honestTamika Brumellperson” who assisted anyone in need.

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