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Video footage of former BLACK SABBATH singer Tony Martin performing the song "If There's A Heaven" from his first solo album,Bruno Caboclo Raptors Jersey, "Back Where I Belong", on the German television network RTL in 1992 can be seen at this location. Commented Martin: "[In] 1992 I was touring with COZY POWELL'S HAMMER and I had the offer to appear on a TV show in Germany. We interupted the tour specially to do it. "It doesn't show us at our best, but it is so cool to know I still have it. I thought it was lost untill now. "We never met the host,LeBron James Team USA Jersey, and we didnt have a chance to make a show out of it. "Featuring the late great Cozy Powell, and also Neil Murray and Mario Parga, it is the ONLY song that was ever filmed from ['Back Where I Belong']."As previously reportef,Wes Unseld Wizards Jersey, Martin is considering re-releasing "Back Where I Belong" for its 20th anniversary next year. The new version of the LP would come with previously unreleased leftover tracks and concert video footage. "Back Where I Belong" was recorded after Martin was briefly replaced in BLACK SABBATH by Ronnie James Dio in the early Nineties. Released in 1992,Gilbert Arenas Wizards Jersey, the album featured guest appearances by QUEEN guitarist Brian May,custom nba jerseys, former WHITESNAKE bassist Neil Murray and longtime BLACK SABBATH keyboardist Geoff Nicholls, among others. The LP also included a cover version of the song "Jerusalem",Clyde Drexler Team USA Jersey, which originally appeared on "Tyr", a BLACK SABBATH album on which Martin sang."Back Where I Belong" track listing:01. If It Ain't Worth Fighting For02. It Ain't Good Enough03. If There Is A Heaven04. Back Where I Belong05. Ceasefire06. Why Love07. Sweet Elyse08. The Last Living Tree09. Now You've Gone10. India11. Angel In The Bed12. The Road To Galilee13. JerusalemMartin's last solo album,Jimmy Butler Team USA Jersey, "Scream", was released in November 2005 via MTM Music. The CD featured legendary drummer Cozy Powell (BLACK SABBATH, RAINBOW,Juwan Howard Wizards Jersey, WHITESNAKE) on the track "Raising Hell" as well as songwriting contributions by another SABBATH member, Geoff Nicholls.

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