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發表於 2016-12-31 18:03:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Finnish metal group TERÄSBETONI — which represented Finland in the 2008 Eurovision Song Contest — will celebrate its 10 year journey and perform at Down By The Laituri festival in Turku next summer,Tim Howard Jersey, on July 26. The band has been laying low for a while now and was last seen on stage in the summer of 2011.Comments TERÄSBETONI singer-bassist Jarkko Ahola: "A lot of metal beer has flowed to Aurajoki after we did a show in 2003 at crowded TVO's premises. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say, that the last ten years have changed our lives. We have experienced wonderful things and this 10th anniversary gig in Turku will be a special experience for us and the audience."TERÄSBETONI's fourth album, "Maailma Tarvitsee Sankareita" (English translation: "The World Needs Heroes"), entered the official chart in Finland at position No. 14. Released on November 24,Tobin Heath Jersey, 2010 via Sakara Records,Gyasi Zardes Jersey, the CD was recorded at HIP Studios in Helsinki,Jermaine Jones Jersey, Finland and Yellow House Studios in Hämeenlinna, Finland with producer Hiili Hiilesmaa (HIM, THE 69 EYES, LORDI,Kingsley Coman Jersey, SENTENCED,Sebastian Rudy Jersey, APOCALYPTICA).The "Metalliolut" video can be viewed below. The clip was filmed in eastern Finland with director Antti "Hyrde" Hyyrynen (vocalist and guitarist of STAM1NA). Hiilesmaa produced TERÄSBETONI previous two albums, "Vaadimme metallia" and "Myrskyntuoja", both of which were certified gold in Finland.TERÄSBETONI's debut LP,Karim Bellarabi Jersey, "Metallitotuus", was certified platinum in Finland and was honored in the "Metal Album of the Year" category at the annual Emma Gaala (Finnish Grammy equivalent).TERÄSBETONI was asked to participate in the Finnish Eurovision qualification of 2008. The band won the public's vote with the song "Missä Miehet Ratsastaa" ("Where All The Men Ride Forth"),Jonas Hector Jersey, from their then-newly-released "Myrskyntuoja" album and proceeded to represent Finland at the Eurovision Song Contest in Serbia. TERÄSBETONI went through to the Eurovision Song Contest final and had the prestigious experience of performing for over 100 million viewers! TERÄSBETONI is:Jarkko Ahola - Vocals, Bass  Arto Järvinen - Guitar, Vocals Viljo Rantanen - GuitarJari Kuokkanen - DrumsPhoto below by: Eero Kokko(Thanks: Melica / Night Elves)

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