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The first in a series of video clips featuring members of FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH discussing their new album, "American Capitalist", and the inspiration behind some of the tracks can be seen below.FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH will perform on the Wednesday, October 26 episode of ABC-TV's "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" (which will actually air the morning of Thursday, October 27). Fans are encouraged to attend the outdoor taping, which will take place on October 12 at the El Capitan Theater, located one block south of Hollywood Boulevard between Highland and Orange streets, in Hollywood, California. The band is scheduled to perform two songs. For more information,Christian Okoye Chiefs Jersey, go to this location. FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's third album, "American Capitalist", will be released on October 11 and will follow up the band's gold-selling second effort, 2009's "War Is The Answer". The CD was recorded at The Hideout in Las Vegas, Nevada with producer Kevin Churko, who helmed Ozzy Osbourne's 2010 effort "Scream". Guitarist Zoltan Bathory told The Pulse Of Radio that there is a theme to the record, but added that it's not a concept album. "You know, every song is different, of course,Jerry Rice 49ers Jersey, and we're never gonna really write a concept album  it's not a band that's gonna do rock operas where all the songs connect, you know, so there's always a variety of songs and themes," he said. "But there's always also a general concept that will run through a couple of songs at least."Singer Ivan Moody said in a statement, "I literally laid every ounce of blood I had on this one. We are a people's band. Our fans understand us because of who we are. We've never tried to be anybody else but FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH."In addition to first single "Under And Over It",Doug Williams Redskins Jersey, the album also contains such classic FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH moments as "The Pride", "Coming Down" and "Generation Dead". "American Capitalist" will be released as a standard CD,Phil Simms Giants Jersey,  and a limited-edition deluxe CD format complete with special packaging plus second disc containing a number of exclusive remixes, including one for "Under And Over It". Meanwhile, the iTunes version carries the bonus track "The Tragic Truth". Following the October release of "American Capitalist",Rod Woodson Steelers Jersey, the band  completed by Ivan Moody (vocals),Tom Jackson Broncos Jersey, Jason Hook (guitar), Jeremy Spencer (drums),Cortez Kennedy Seahawks Jersey, and new-boy bassist Chris Kael  head out on a major U.S. tour under the "Share The Welt" banner, headlining a package that also includes ALL THAT REMAINS, HATEBREED and REV THEORY. This tour starts in mid-October and runs through into November,Bobby Hebert Saints Jersey, with more dates likely to be added.

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