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發表於 2018-3-10 19:49:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The East Ruimveldt Community Centre is likely to become an avenue for revenue earning for the Mayor and City Council, which according to City Mayor Hamilton Green will be necessary for the maintenance of the facility.The facility which houses the East Ruimveldt Nursery School is currently being upgraded by engineers from the USS Kearsarge humanitarian mission.Yesterday, United States Ambassador to Guyana, Mr John Melvin Jones, in the company of the City Mayor and other council officials, toured the facility to observe the progress of the work. The tour was preceded by a brief visit by the Ambassador to the Mayor’s office at City Hall.According to Mayor Green, the assistance from the United States Government came as a result of the intervention of members of the Lions and Rotary Clubs who would usually have meetings at the community centre.He pointed out that the members had recognised that the facility was in dire need of upgrading and therefore approached the Americans some time ago in this regard, and secured an assurance of assistance.Mayor Green said that it is expected that when the project is completed the community centre will be transformed into a facility that can be utilised in many ways by the residents of the community.Ambassador John Jones (extreme right) stands next to Mayor Hamilton Green during the tour of the East Ruimveldt Community Centre yesterdayIt is expected that a modern day playground, secure fencing and an effective lighting system will be a part of the end result of the project which is slated to be completed in two weeks’ time.And according to Mayor Green, the facility will be entrusted into the care of the City Engineer’s Department along with a committee which will be established shortly.Once completed the facility will in fact be one that the residents deserve, said Mayor Green, who added that it is his desire that every community could be similarly endowed.“If we could have done this in all of the other communities we would be delighted. A lot of our people have become wayward and our children are becoming barbarians because they do not have sufficient sporting and culture facilities.”It is hoped, the Mayor said, that the community centre will be used for sporting, entertainment and other such activities.It is anticipated, too, that the facility will be utilised at a minimal cost which will help to ensure that it is maintained since, according to Mayor Green, nothing is ever free.And while the Ambassador could not determine the cost of the assistance, he did note that the project comes as a donation to the Guyana Government to emphasise the good friendship the two countries share.“It is of very little cost in terms of the goodwill that has been built between the two countries.Guyana has always been a friend of the United States and this kind of project represents the things we need to continue so that this friendship remains,Cheap Jerseys From China,” said Ambassador Jones.The Ambassador reported that all is going well with the medical aspect of the USS Kearsarge humanitarian mission.He said that based on the feedback, sites have been selected and treatment will commence as early as today in some areas.He added that some people in Region One have already undergone surgeries while others are slated to be undertaken in the warship.

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