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發表於 2018-3-12 05:53:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– appeals for community support to retain integrity of communityAlthough he had tendered his resignation during the latter part of last year, Public Relations and Press Officer attached to the Bartica Interim Management Committee/Neighbourhood Democratic Council (IMC/NDC), Sherwyn Downer, has resumed duties.Bartica IMC/NDC Public Relations and Press Officer, Sherwyn DownerThis publication understands that Downer at a Council meeting had submitted his resignation to Chairman of the IMC, Ovid Benjamin, but it was however not accepted.Although there were some speculations about Downer’s move to resign, persons close to the operations of the IMC/NDC were however tightlipped about the development.Downer’s resignation intent was nevertheless deemed a surprise and some persons were claiming that his departure could be a severe blow to the IMC which is currently on a mission to work closely with both residents and organizations within the Region Seven District.Downer, in a brief comment, regarding his resumption of duty said that the move by the Chairman and the Council to not accept his resignation is in fact “well appreciated. I am most humbled by the confidence placed in me by the Bartica IMC and I plan on redoubling my efforts in ensuring that Bartica and its residents continue to receive the highest level of representation possible,” added Downer.The IMC in a statement issued by Downer sought to commend the ranks of the Bartica Police Station for what he described as “hard work and dedication towards ensuring the safety of the residents of Bartica.”Speaking of evident heightened security, particularly during the Christmas season, Downer said that even the providers of entertainment were able to collaborate well with the police force in order to ensure that such events were incident free.“While other parts of the country experienced a number of criminal activities, Barticians actually enjoyed an environment that could be considered incident free,” said Downer.He in attributing this state of affairs to the very visible presence of Police ranks pointed out that the tactical operations had certainly not escaped the eyes of the IMC/NDC.“We wish to encourage the same practice and attitude throughout the year – the positive and peaceful behaviour of residents and we are calling on them to continue in the same spirit in order to keep Bartica as a community where persons would be desirous of visiting,” said Downer.“Our hospitality has no limit,Authentic MLB Jerseys Online, kudos to the police and entertainment providers.” said Downer. He noted that “the IMC/NDC looks forward to continue working with all stakeholders and community minded individuals and groups to ensure a better and safer community.”

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