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發表於 2018-3-12 20:23:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Clean-up mode for the Dolphins had obviously started in earnest by Monday, when Lazor was asked about Tannehill's performance — 178 yards, two touchdowns,Wholesale Jerseys, one interception, solid-looking though hardly eye-popping numbers — in the Week 1 win.
The Bills gave up 349 passing yards to Chicago last week, so opportunities should be there for Miami on Sunday.

It's no secret that Lazor is demanding, and his players seem to be embracing that truth.
There's one break Tannehill might have on this trip to Buffalo: the weather,Wholesale Jerseys.
Self-criticizing after a win might not always be easy.
"He's been great. He wants to be great," Tannehill said. "He wants to score a lot of points. He wants me to play well and that's what I want. It's been good to have him push me along and teach me the ins and outs of the offense and expect to play well. That's what I like."
"We left a lot of plays out there. I left a lot of plays out there, personally," Tannehill said Wednesday, when asked to assess his work against the Patriots. "Location of throws, missing throws, had a couple dropped passes, just details like that. We left a lot of yards and a lot of touchdowns on the field. ... You can't leave that many plays on the field consistently and expect to win week-in and week-out."
The critiques that the Miami Dolphins' quarterback has heard in recent days from offensive coordinator Bill Lazor have not exactly been loaded with effusive praise. By his own admission, Tannehill missed plenty of targets in Week 1 against New England, left some touchdown opportunities uncashed and was nowhere near as sharp as the Dolphins wanted.
"We try to be as honest in our appraisal of what we're doing — good, bad or ugly — every week," Dolphins coach Joe Philbin said. "I think the biggest thing is take a look at the film. The film says we did some good things,Cheap NFL Jerseys, but there's a lot of room to get better."
DAVIE,China Jerseys, Fla. (AP) — Ryan Tannehill has no false sense of accomplishment right now.
First place after one week, beating the Patriots, starting the season off with a win, none of that ushered in any phony era of good feeling on the offensive side of the Dolphins' complex.
NOTES: The Dolphins are already listing C Mike Pouncey (hip), DE Terrence Fede (knee) and LB Jordan Tripp (chest) as out. Three other defensive players — LB Chris McCain (ill), LB Koa Misi (ankle) and DT Randy Starks (toe) did not practice Wednesday, nor did G Billy Turner (foot). Another seven players were on the "limited participation list." ... DE Cameron Wake was selected as the AFC's defensive player of the week for Week 1. "That award could be really spread around this whole locker room," Wake said.
"Not bragging or boasting, but I honestly feel like we could have had at least 50 points," wide receiver Mike Wallace said. "I had a fumble early in the game. Lamar (Miller) had a fumble. A double move should have been a touchdown. We had an interception when I ran a post that should have been a touchdown. We had a throw to (Charles) Clay that should have been a touchdown. There were wide open ones."
It was 36 degrees in each of his first two starts at Buffalo, both of those games winding up as Dolphins losses. Forecasters say the temperature in western New York should be in the upper 60s on Sunday.
Here's the good news: Even with a less-than-crisp showing, Tannehill led the Dolphins to 33 points in a victory over the Patriots — Miami's second-biggest point total against New England in the last 20 years. He'll now try to win consecutive games against division rivals for just the second time, when Miami (1-0) visits the Buffalo Bills (1-0) on Sunday.
That wasn't the case for the Dolphins this week, Tannehill included.
That's the bad news.
Tannehill said he didn't mind Lazor's words, saying the offensive coordinator "isn't ruthless, he's real."
He didn't mince words,Cheap Jerseys For Wholesale.
"Should be fun," Tannehill said.
"Ryan Tannehill is getting better and better," Bills coach Doug Marrone said. "I see him progressing. As a quarterback, he's doing an excellent job of leading that team."
"My No. 1 feeling is that we better get better fast,Cheap Jerseys From China, particularly in the passing game," Lazor said.

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