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發表於 2018-3-13 02:39:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Crossing over the football debate into the NBA Finals should,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, if nothing else,Cheap NFL Jerseys, guarantee plenty of viewers. More than 15 million people tuned in for Game 2 of the NBA Finals, which typically outdraws all other programming on game nights.
"Native Americans call themselves many things," a man's voice says on the commercial. "The one thing they don't ... "
"It doesn't surprise me," Miami forward Shane Battier said. "It makes sense that the highest-rated television program in June would attract such attention. I don't mind using the NBA for positive social change. I think we have a responsibility with our platform for positive social change."
MIAMI (AP) — An American Indian tribe that believes the Washington Redskins' nickname is racist and should be changed has purchased a 60-second ad to air during halftime of Game 3 of the NBA Finals,Cheap China Jerseys.
For his part, Battier is not a fan of the nickname.
The Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation of northern California purchased the time for the airing of a 60-second version of the National Congress of American Indians' "Proud To Be" ad. A longer version is available online.
"The 'Change the Mascot' movement is larger than Yocha Dehe or any one tribe,NHL Jerseys From China," said James Kinter, the Tribal Secretary of the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation. "It's about all tribal people and non-tribal people raising their voices in protest."
"If there are Native American tribes who find that term offensive, and they've voiced their expression of discontent for the name, I think there should be a move to change it," Battier said. "If everyone in the Native American world looked at 'Redskins' as a sign of respect, I would be OK with it, but if it is a slanderous and hurtful term for people,Cheap Jerseys From China, it needs to be changed."
The voice then tails off, and an image of the Redskins' helmet on the ground next to a football appears, followed by a mention of the web site ChangeTheMascot.org.
The ad was slotted for the Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York, Sacramento, San Francisco and Washington markets Tuesday night. It aired in Miami during Game 2 of the series.
Debate over the usage of the Redskins' name has raged for some time,NFL Jerseys China, as has criticism of all Indian-themed mascots in sports. Redskins owner Daniel Snyder has called the name a "badge of honor" in the past.

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