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Metalifestyle.com conducted an interview with Scott Kelly and Noah Landis of NEUROSIS on September 29 at the Hemlock Tavern in San Francisco, California. You can now watch the chat below.NEUROSIS' tenth studio album,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, "Honor Found In Decay", sold around 1,800 copies in the United States in its first week of release. The CD landed at position No. 9 on the Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers) chart, which lists the best-selling albums by new and developing artists, defined as those who have never appeared in the Top 100 of The Billboard 200."Honor Found In Decay" was released in North America on October 30 through NEUROSIS' own Neurot Recordings. NEUROSIS forged the songs on "Honor Found In Decay" with the revered Steve Albini,China Jerseys, marking their fifth collaboration with the engineer in their longstanding relationship. Their monolithic sound captured at Electrical Audio studios in Chicago,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the seven tracks were then mastered by John Golden at Golden Mastering in Ventura,Jerseys From China Authentic, California. Aesthetics have always been paramount for NEUROSIS and with "Honor Found In Decay", Steve Von Till, Scott Kelly, Noah Landis,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Jason Roeder and Dave Edwardson's musical vision is brilliantly evoked by NEUROSIS's visual guru Josh Graham.  In a recent interview with The Quietus, Von Till revealed that with "Honor Found In Decay",Wholesale China Jerseys, NEUROSIS has "Found new ways to be heavy," saying, "The emotions that our music needs to put forth are always going to be heavy, whether it be mellow, subdued or tranquil, in volume or in atmosphere; it's always got to be emotionally heavy."He added,NFL Jerseys China, "I think that's what we gained on this record, we gained an increased sense of flow; new ways to contrast dissonance and melody,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, harmony and disharmony. I always see our evolution as spiralling inward towards a core; we're constantly getting purer and purer; to the essence of what our music is supposed to be."Asked about the five-year gap between NEUROSIS's new album and its predecessor, Von Till said, "Maybe we deal with more of a glacial concept of time. For us it doesn't seem like that long. I mean, we've been together for 27 years now and [the album] just happened when it was right for it to happen; the whole 'Given To The Rising' time period doesn't feel that long ago to me."He continued, "We don't have any kind of schedule hovering over us and it was a couple of years ago when we were finally like, 'Okay, it's time to start getting it together,' and that some of our seeds were starting to grow."

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