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發表於 2018-3-13 23:42:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…Will allow independent investigation if report not satisfactory – JagdeoBy Gary EleazarThe probe into the recent act of torture committed allegedly at the hands of ranks at the Leonora Police Station will be completed and the report made public within two weeks,NFL Jerseys Supply, and all ranks found culpable at every level of the force’s hierarchy will face the consequences.Head of State Bharrat Jagdeo made this disclosure at the Office of the President yesterday during a press briefing at which he also conceded that should the inquiry and report be found to be unacceptable,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, then he is willing to facilitate a probe outside of the police force.The President said that any right thinking Guyanese would condemn the act perpetrated against the 14-year-old youth.He said that it is important that the matter be addressed seriously and that the culpable ranks be dealt with condignly,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, adding that the actions of a few rogue ranks has severely tarnished the image of the entire police force given that there are many ranks who put their lives on the line everyday to protect citizens.The Head of State noted that what happened was disparaging to the ranks on the frontline against criminals.The President did say that he has asked that the training of police ranks be enhanced and there should be foreign assistance in this regard as it relates to human rights issues.Jagdeo also said that with respect to the torture probe dating back to previous allegations he was not supportive of that.Last Saturday,Wholesale Jerseys, this publication carried on its front page,Wholesale Jerseys 2018, the graphic image of a 14-year-old young man who was severely burnt on his lower torso. The injuries were allegedly inflicted by ranks at the Leonora Police Station.It was later revealed that the lad was detained for several days with the wounds despite the advice of the force’s doctor.The act of torture has since attracted widespread condemnation both local and overseas.

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