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[Xbox 360] Cheap Jerseys From China









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發表於 2018-3-15 15:50:14 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The only player who wasn't able to practice was right guard Jeromey Clary, who's on the physically unable to perform list after undergoing hip surgery.
Quarterback Philip Rivers said one of the first balls he threw in a 7-on-7 drill was to Gates.
SAN DIEGO (AP) — Antonio Gates joined his San Diego Chargers teammates for the first practice of training camp a day after his 22-year-old sister died after battling lupus for three years,Cheap China Jerseys.
Cornerback Jason Verrett, the team's first-round draft pick,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, has been cleared after undergoing offseason shoulder surgery and was able to practice.
The star tight end missed most of offseason workouts to be in Detroit with sister Pamela.
"It was nice to have him back out there," Rivers said.
"It's something that, in my whole career, my 34 years of living, I've never been in that type of situation," Gates said. "It's just one of those things where you try to make the right decision. I think it was the correct decision to be there with my family."
"Anybody,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, any situation,Wholesale Jerseys From China, you don't have to be a football player, no one is immune to trials and tribulations in life," Gates said. "When it happens, it's something you have to deal with. Life goes on, for the most part. At that time, dealing with it, being with my family was the right thing to do."
McCoy said Verrett "some tough decisions on the quarterbacks,Cheap China Jerseys Authentic, driving on some balls."
Gates lauded coach Mike McCoy for letting him deal with his sister's illness. Last season, Gates would often fly to Detroit after road games to be with his sister.
"When you've built the chemistry we've built over 10 seasons, we kind of picked up where we left off," Rivers said.

"My strength comes from just me believing in the right things and what I did as a brother,Cheap Jerseys From China," Gates said after practice.

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