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“You and saved our brother again.”
Laurie honest to say thank you, a face of gratitude.
Shizi smile, no strong, not how to say anything.
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Night changfeng facial expression to hesitate, discourse opened head, but timely stopped.
He looked ZhaoFeng lookout, took a look red clouds, coat, heavy y & # 237; N once, suddenly way: “above, and I think you alone to say a few words.”
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Night stand in strong man s & # 232; Ice rock above, the surprise of looking at lotus tower above his crystal, the face of the s & show hesitate # 232; And he seems to know lotus tower of the terrible crystal, also know that carrion demon king of the insect, the existence of can’t easily in the past.
“It’s all right.” Shizi laughter relief.
Look a little night changfeng Ann, this just move the foot of man s & # 232; Ice rock, slowly toward him to go on.
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ZhaoFeng, LiYue did not understand his practice, but also without asking, nodded, the past will receive, Lin zhi, Laurie brothers line of people with fly out.
In such as the entrance, really is no the defence barriers exist, unimpeded, all the way to xi ? o above the island fly away.
The swamp, suddenly only night, two strong albitite…….
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Shizi one leng, confused see toward him, half ring to export asked: “you from the god of creation, triple day also sent off the, why do you want a stock life?”
“I am not for myself for.”
Night changfeng sighed, tone, and some bleak helpless, “I the old ghost teacher, in the god of creation stagnation triple day too long, he is a refined y & # 224; o teacher, this lifetime cost in refined y & # 224; o time than the martial way in uniting. He on from the territory of the true god more and more close, but never be sure can entering that a m & # 233; n trap, I’m afraid he’ll shut in the dust, so just nasty for him for a drop of life the original fluid.”
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“Let me ask it.”
Silent for a long time, suddenly see above to crystal on the lotus tower demon worm, general thoughts from god, “can you give me a life does?”
“Thank you.”
“You have to make your blood, to give me a drop of.”
Night and the weight of the strong and Jane holding a crystal xi ? o bottle, look excited, slight trembling body, bother to say thank you.
Standing in the crystal albitite lotus tower above, looking at the heart-shaped vessels slowly income within lotus tower, looking at that carrion demon king of the insect xi ? o eyes look forward to the meaning of the buckled.
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So in mind of demon king of the worm, lift up the greed of the teeth, a drop of blood of the undead swallowed into belly.

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