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MTLEY CRE/SIXX: A.M. bassist Nikki Sixx is working on two new books, the first one of which is due in May-June 2012, to be followed by the second one in 2013. Sixx writes on his Facebook page, "Neither book is like anything I have done before (I guess you can say the same thing about 'The Heroin Diaries' and 'This Is Gonna Hurt', too). I pride myself on not writing the same book over and over and also not using a ghost writer. Of course, it takes longer, but raw honesty through words is what I am driven to publish... After I get it all out on paper, I use a trusted editor to help me carve it into a palatable experience..."Sixx's latest book, "This Is Gonna Hurt: Music, Photography And Life Through The Distorted Lens Of Nikki Sixx",  debuted at No. 4 on The New York Times "Hardcover Advice & Misc" best seller list. The book came out on April 12 via the HarperCollins imprint William Morrow.You can "browse inside" the book at HarperCollins.com.Nikki Sixx is the creative force behind a multitude of projects. As the founder, bass player and songwriter for the genre-defining rock band MTLEY CRE, he led the band through an unbridled career of rock 'n' roll,Jerseys China, addictions, recovery,Jerseys From China, exploits, breakups, and girls, sending their first five albums to platinum status in the process. From their debut album in 1981 ("Too Fast For Love") through to 2008's "Saints of Los Angeles", MTLEY CRE have sold more than 80 million albums worldwide, emerging as one of the most influential and enduring rock acts of their era. Their '89 release "Dr. Feelgood", topped The Billboard 200 chart, marking the band's most successful and best-selling album to date. The new millennium saw the band issue a best-selling, tell-all biography entitled "The Dirt"  and the launch of Cre Fest,Cheap NFL Jerseys From China, the highest-grossing summer rock tour package in 2008. In 2007, Sixx published "The Heroin Diaries". This haunting chronicle of addiction stayed atop the New York Times Best Seller list for more than six months and went on to sell over 350,000 copies in the U.S. alone. In a fitting crescendo, the accompanying soundtrack by SIXX: A.M.  featuring Sixx, James Michael and D.J. Ashba  sold over 300,000 copies in the U.S. and solidified the group with "Life Is Beautiful",China Jerseys, the most played rock track of 2008. Sixx's most recent venture is the syndicated radio show "Sixx Sense" and its companion weekend show "The Side Show Countdown With Nikki Sixx", carried nightly and on the weekends, respectively, on 60 rock/alternative music stations in the U.S. and Canada. Hosted by Sixx himself and co-host Kerri Kasem, the shows feature straight, honest talk from special celebrity guests, bands and friends and the hottest and newest music in rock. The "This Is Gonna Hurt" book explores a new, more introspective side, the first-ever public showing of his photography and insights on his life yesterday, today and tomorrow. "This Is Gonna Hurt" takes Sixx to a whole new level as an artist, musician and photographer. Accompanying the book, and slated for a May 3 release, will be a new CD by SIXX: A.M. complementing the book's themes and showcasing the incredible songwriting and musicianship of Sixx and SIXX: A.M. bandmates James Michael and D.J. Ashba.

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