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The four members of METALLICA and former VELVET UNDERGROUND frontman Lou Reed were featured as part of the exclusive Bowers & Wilkins Sound Sessions series last night (Monday,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, October 24) at the Steven Kasher Gallery in New York City.Check out photos from the event:* Wire Image* Getty ImagesMETALLICA's collaborative album with Loud Reed, "Lulu",Cheap Jerseys Stitched, is due on November 1 in North America via Warner Bros. Records and one day earlier (October 31) in the rest of the world through Universal Music. The CD, which is available for streaming in its entirety at LouReedMetallica.com, was co-produced by Reed, METALLICA, Hal Willner  who has produced albums for Reed,Cheap Jerseys From China, Marianne Faithfull, and Laurie Anderson,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, among others  and Greg Fidelman. Fidelman also mixed the record."Lulu" finds METALLICA playing behind lyrics written and sung by Reed that are based on a pair of early 20th century German Expressionist plays."Any type of situation where you can just do something different and put yourself in a different place for inspiration is always great," METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich told Rolling Stone magazine at last night's event (see video below). "Everything we did on this project was so impulsive, so momentary, off the floor, in a great big circle playing to each other  that's not how we normally make music.""Lulu" is based on a series of plays by German dramatist Frank Wedekind, as interpreted by Robert Wilson. "Laurie Anderson and I sat going through it scene by scene to get the basic plot, the way Bob was approaching it," said Reed, describing his process before taking his lyrics to METALLICA.The invite-only Bowers & Wilkins Sound Sessions are part of the company's experiential marketing campaign in North America designed to engage with audiences directly by offering fans access to VIP-only,NFL Jerseys China, listening events with their favorite artists while experiencing the music through the world-class Bowers & Wilkins speakers, Zeppelin Air iPod docks and P5 headphones. Other recent Sound Sessions events were held with, among others, Academy Award winner Jeff Bridges in Los Angeles and COLDPLAY in Austin, Texas."Our Sound Sessions are designed to showcase our best-in-class performance with some of the finest artists in the world across all genres, and we are privileged that Lou Reed and METALLICA have agreed to be part of this series to celebrate their new, collaborative release, 'Lulu'," said Tyler Fairchild, Director of Strategic Brand Development for Bowers & Wilkins.

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