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發表於 2018-3-19 19:49:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Prosecutors say Hernandez and two of his friends drove Lloyd to the industrial park and shot him. The two friends are awaiting trial.
He played footage that he said showed Lloyd getting into a Nissan Altima rental car driven by Hernandez, then video from the NFL player's home, taken shortly after Lloyd was killed,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, without Lloyd in the car.
Noting that Hernandez had long-term football contract, a new house,Wholesale Jerseys, a fiancée and a 7-month-old baby, the defense attorney said Hernandez "was planning a future, not a murder."
The prosecutor also presented an image taken off Hernandez's video surveillance system that showed Hernandez standing outside his basement, holding what Bomberg said was a gun.
Hernandez, 25, is charged in the 2013 shooting death of Odin Lloyd, a 27-year-old semipro football player who was dating the sister of Hernandez's fiancee. Lloyd's bullet-riddled body was found in an industrial park near Hernandez's North Attleborough home, not far from Gillette Stadium.
"Aaron never had a chance," Fee said. "They locked on Aaron and they targeted him."
"Mere presence is not enough,Cheap Jerseys Online," he told the jury. "We can't be convicted of a crime just because we hang with the wrong people or are in the wrong place."
Hernandez often leaned forward in court,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, paying close attention to opening statements and witness testimony, including the account of Matthew Kent, who was a high school freshman when he found Lloyd's body while jogging.
In opening statements Thursday, District Attorney Patrick Bomberg showed the jury before-and-after security video to connect Hernandez to Lloyd's killing.
He said the evidence would show that Hernandez did not kill Lloyd and did not ask anyone to do so. He said authorities could offer no motive for the killing.
Hernandez's lawyer countered that the NFL player had "the world at his feet" and had no reason to kill. He repeatedly told jurors that the athlete is innocent and said authorities "locked" in on him as a suspect early on, ignored evidence and conducted a "sloppy and unprofessional" investigation.
In a separate murder case that has yet to come to trial, Hernandez was charged last year in Boston with killing two men in 2012 after someone spilled a drink on him at a nightclub.
Prosecutors in this trial have suggested that Lloyd may have been killed because he knew too much about that crime. But the judge has ruled that prosecutors cannot tell the jury about those slayings.
FALL RIVER, Mass. (AP) — With his ex-teammates about to play in the Super Bowl, former New England Patriots star Aaron Hernandez went on trial on murder charges Thursday, watching from the defense table as prosecutors said DNA on a shell casing and security-camera video from his own home connect him to the crime.
Defense attorney Michael Fee told the jury that Hernandez is an innocent man.
As the prosecutor showed jurors a photo of Lloyd's body, his mother was overcome and had to leave the courtroom briefly.
Hernandez — who had a $40 million contract as a tight end but was cut by the Patriots just hours after his 2013 arrest — could get life in prison if convicted. On Sunday, the Patriots will meet the Seattle Seahawks in the Super Bowl.
Hernandez's fiancée, Shayanna Jenkins, sat behind him with Hernandez's brother,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, DJ, who coaches college football in Iowa.
Evidence that Hernandez was at the scene is not enough to convict him,Jerseys NFL China, Fee said.
He said a marijuana joint found near Lloyd's body had Hernandez's and Lloyd's DNA. Hernandez's DNA was also on a shell casing from a bullet found under the driver's seat of the rental car, Bomberg said. He told jurors that the casing was fired by the same weapon as casings found at the crime scene: a .45-caliber Glock.
"The investigation was sloppy and unprofessional. What about the facts that showed Aaron's innocence?" he said. "The evidence will show that they were ignored."

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