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Metal-Trails.com conducted an interview with guitarist Oscar Dronjak of  Swedish melodic metallers HAMMERFALL at this year's Wacken Open Air festival,Otis Sistrunk Raiders Jersey, which took place August 2-4 in Wacken, Germany. You can now watch the chat below.The members of HAMMERFALL announced in March that they were take an extended break immediately following their festival appearances this summer. "It has been an unbelievable first 15 years, to say the least," said guitarist Oscar Dronjak,Gary Zimmerman Broncos Jersey, "and now we are taking a pause to ensure that we have another 15 years ahead of us."There will be no HAMMERFALL activities in 2013, but the band promises to return strong the following year. "The plan is to use the year off to recharge our batteries and come back more vital than ever with a new album in 2014,Ronnie Lott 49ers Jersey," explained singer Joacim Cans.HAMMERFALL's new album, "Infected", sold around 1,700 copies in the United States in its first week of release. The CD debuted at No. 16 on the Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers) chart,Dan Hampton Bears Jersey, which lists the best-selling albums by new and developing artists, defined as those who have never appeared in the Top 100 of The Billboard 200.HAMMERFALL's previous CD, "No Sacrifice, No Victory", opened with 1,Curtis Martin Jets Jersey,400 units to land at No. 38 on the Top New Artist Albums chart."Infected" entered the official chart in Sweden at position No. 2 (right behind LADY GAGA!). The CD was released in Europe in May 2011 and was made available in North America in June via Nuclear Blast Records.  Laying down the foundation themselves in their own studio in Sweden, the members of HAMMERFALL then traveled to Nashville,Mark Gastineau Jets Jersey, Tennessee to finish it up with acclaimed producer James Michael (MÖTLEY CRÜE, SCORPIONS, MEAT LOAF). He also mixed the album,Ted Hendricks Raiders Jersey, giving it a decisive updated edge without losing any of the essence of the band's sound. HAMMERFALL was among the five final nominees that competed for the "Best Hard Rock/Metal" honor at the Swedish Grammis awards (Swedish Grammy equivalent), which was held February 14,Y.A. Tittle 49ers Jersey, 2012 at Kungliga Operan in Stockholm.Interview:  Performance footage:

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