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Awkward. Season 2 Episode 11, Once Upon a Blog, Awkward. S02e11, Awkward. S02e11 stream, Awkward. S02e11 Online,Watch Awkward. S02e11 Once Upon a Blog Streaming,Awkward. 2×11, Watch Awkward. Season 2 Episode 11 streaming online
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Awkward. Season 2 Episode 11 Ultimately, I knew when Jake found out about Jenna and Matty’s past that would be when everything kicked up a gear, I merely did not expect the payoff to be this good. So there was Jake, at the worst possible time finally unable to be the perfect and understanding guy he had always been. Then we have Matty, a kid trying to make amends for his assholish ways last season by stepping up and forcing himself to be the mature. Finally there was Jenna,cheap nfl jerseys 2017, a girl not simply losing her boyfriend,cheap jerseys, but somebody that has watched her world crumble around her so many times in such short order. Every time things look up for her they ultimately come crashing down, and there is no way to not feel for her. Exasperating the situation was the very public nature that everything has taken.
Awkward. Season 2 Episode 11 I should have known that it all would have gone public when everything was revealed,cheap jerseys usa, making it more than just between the primary players and about Jenna’s ever-growing reputation. All season long Jenna has benefited from slowly becoming anonymous again. Outside of her little PA system mistake,china jerseys 2017, she has been able to hide away. Once again,cheap jerseys store, her life is on display for the world to see and judge. Awkward has always done a great job of framing the effects that gossip and notoriety have on normal kids in high school, and this episode was no different. How can you simply not feel for three kids who are growing up in such a public way? Sure, Jenna made the situation worse by publicizing her blog, but that is exactly the type of dumb mistake a high school student would make and you so desperately want to reach through the television screen and stop them.
Awkward. Season 2 Episode 11 In other words, the reason Awkward is firing on all cylinders right now is that it knows characters and what it wants to say with them. Yes, Awkward is a very funny show and can be heartwarming at times, but at its very best it is a biting commentary of contemporary teenage life. It demonstrates how growing up in this day and age comes with its own unique challenges, and the brutality that being a normal teenager can be when everyone knows who you are.

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