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Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys









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發表於 2018-3-27 05:11:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"I was never a person who would quit," Spence said. "I'm never going to be that person."
LATROBE, Pa. (AP) — The whistle blew and Sean Spence sprinted forward, each cathartic step distancing the linebacker from the horrific knee injury that threatened to end his NFL career before it even really began.

Spence almost gleefully smashed into fullback Bryce Davis during the Pittsburgh Steelers' first full contact drill of training camp on Monday,Jerseys From China. The two tussled for several seconds before Davis — his fists full of Spence's jersey — pulled them both to the ground.
For Spence, it was a homecoming.
Coach Mike Tomlin certainly isn't concerned. Standing a few yards away while Spence competed in just his second padded practice in two years — his initial comeback last fall was cut short by a broken finger — it hardly registered to Tomlin that Spence's long road back had reached its destination.
"They could have given up on me a long time ago," Spence said. "I'm just so thankful."
"We've had a great deal of comfort on where he is for some time," Tomlin said.
It showed. He plowed into the breach again and again, winning some battles and losing others. Not that it mattered. He'll have plenty of time over the next month to prove he's worthy of a spot on the 53-man roster. Monday was simply about returning to the game he worried was gone for good.
The Steelers begin the contact portion of training camp at Saint Vincent College with "backs on backers," which is just as basic — and as violent — as it sounds. A linebacker bolts toward the quarterback, with a running back or tight end the only thing in his way. It's a chance for rookies to make a name for themselves and veterans to show they've still got it.
It's a sense of comfort Spence doesn't take for granted. Considering the odds Spence faced as he laid on the Heinz Field turf in agony two summers ago, he knows many teams would not have invested the money or the time on what could have been a fruitless enterprise.
Call it a victory for Spence, in more ways than one. He's a football player again, however unlikely that may have been in the agonizing weeks and months after he shredded his left knee in a 2012 preseason game against Carolina.
And so eager to pay that patience back. The one blessing of his injury is that it forced him to watch more football than he ever has in his life. While it may take a bit for him to get fully comfortable throwing his body around, there is little doubt Spence knows where to go when he's on the field.
For good reason. Spence spent too many nights crying himself to sleep wondering if he would ever make it all the way back,Jerseys NFL Cheap. Sure there were times he doubted he would get this far. He responded by forcing himself to go in for treatment on the days he would have rather stayed home because watching the Steelers prepare for life without him was just too painful.
"I was anxious," he said. "I was chomping at the bit."
NOTES: Steelers general manager Kevin Colbert said the team has some money to play with under the salary cap and could sign one of its impending free agents — including linebacker Jason Worilds or cornerback Cortez Allen — to a long-term deal before camp breaks. ... Rookie LB Jordan Zumwalt left practice early with a groin injury. ... The Steelers are off Tuesday.
"Soon as I got the first hit, I was good to go," he said, "like back to football."
Slowly,China Jerseys, his surgically repaired knee regained strength. Amazingly,Cheap Carolina Panthers Jerseys, the nerve regenerated. The 24-year-old Spence looked as quick as ever during organized team activities during the spring,NFL Jerseys China, but he knew Monday would be the day of reckoning.
The speed that overwhelmed him as a rookie has slowed to a more reasonable pace. It may be the one advantage he has over rookie Ryan Shazier, taken with the 15th overall pick in May to fill the job the Steelers expected would have been Spence's at this point if fate had not intervened.
"I don't even revisit it," Spence said.
The former third-round pick used to watch replays of his knee bending in ways it's not supposed to bend — ripping up his peroneal nerve in the process — as he raced into the Carolina backfield. No longer.
The starting job next to Lawrence Timmons for the season opener against Cleveland is Shazier's to lose. Spence understands what he's up against but isn't ceding anything. He stressed he's "just here competing." For now,Cheap Jerseys From China Outlet, that's enough.

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