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發表於 2018-3-27 19:17:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Garcetti never mentioned stalled labor negotiations with thousands of city workers that have raised the possibility of a strike, or the possibility that an NFL team might return to the Los Angeles area,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, two decades after the Oakland Raiders and St. Louis Rams left Southern California. The Anschutz Entertainment Group spiked plans last month for a downtown field, although Garcetti has suggested that it could be revived. Two other stadium projects are being advanced in Carson and Inglewood, on the edge of Los Angeles.
In an annual speech to City Council members and business and civic leaders on Tuesday, the first-term Democrat said City Hall will double the number of police officers in an elite division to counter a spike in violent crime, while adding 5,000 trash cans to streets that sometimes become  dumping grounds for old couches and broken TVs.
In a city striving to keep its books balanced, the mayor proposed no big-ticket new programs. The speech, coming as he nears the midpoint is his first term, veered from policy highlights to acknowledging long-standing problems. Despite thousands of new jobs and a blooming high-tech sector, 1 million residents live in poverty. High-priced housing remains out of reach for many.
With violent crime increasing,Wholesale Jerseys, "I won't duck bad news. I'm going to own it and I'm going to attack it,Wholesale Hockey Jerseys China," Garcetti said in the speech, informally known as the state of the city. "Your safety is my highest priority."
He has promised repairs to cratered streets and buckled sidewalks,China Jerseys Cheap, but it's not clear how the $3 billion job will be financed. He has proposed repairs to apartments and buildings to make them more resistant to earthquakes, but there are questions about who will get the bill to pay for them.
In a city with too many cars and too few subway lines, he also said ride-sharing companies like Uber will be allowed to pick up passengers at Los Angeles International Airport by summer. He has previously sketched plans for a 20-percent reduction in the city's per-person use of fresh water by 2017 and a 50-percent cut in the use of imported water over a decade,China NFL Jerseys, as the state contends with a severe drought.
"I think he's got a lot of irons in the fire,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and they are going to take a while to develop," said Raphael Sonenshein, executive director of the Pat Brown Institute of Public Affairs at California State University, Los Angeles. "It takes a while to get the basics to work."
Alluding to protests and investigations that followed fatal police shootings in Ferguson, Missouri, and South Carolina, Garcetti said the Police Department will create a new division to stress building relationships with the city's diverse communities.
He said the city will tax Airbnb short-term rentals to generate money for affordable housing, following San Francisco, Chicago and other areas where Airbnb has reached deals to collect taxes from hosts and remit them to the cities.
Much of Garcetti's roadmap remains a work in progress.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti was elected two years ago on a back-to-basics agenda. On Tuesday, he promised more of the same for city residents — safer and cleaner streets.

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