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Video footage of Texas heavy rockers DROWNING POOL performing an acoustic version of the song "In Memory Of" at the studios of the French radio station OÜI FM can be seen below."In Memory Of" was released in August 2012 to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of the passing of the band's original singer,Paul Millsap Hawks Jersey, Dave Williams.Williams died on tour in 2002 after singing on the band's debut, "Sinner". He was replaced by Jason "Gong" Jones,John Stockton USA Jersey, who also contributed to one record,Authentic Wesley Matthews Mavericks Jersey, "Desensitized", before being shown the door in 2004.DROWNING POOL's fifth studio album, "Resilience", is being released today (Tuesday, April 9) via Eleven Seven Music. The band teamed up with producer Kato Khandwalla at House of Loud Studios in New Jersey, as well as John Feldmann (THE USED, STORY OF THE YEAR), and completed the album in Dallas.The band says of "Resilience": "Ultimately, it isn't a new beginning or an end. It's a continuation of the DROWNING POOL legacy — and a fitting one at that.""Resilience" track listing:01. Anytime Anyplace02. Die For Nothing03. One Finger And A Fist04. Digging These Holes05. Saturday Night06. Low Crawl07. Life Of Misery08. Broken Again09. Understand10. Bleed Wth You11. Skip To The EndBonus tracks:12. In Memory Of13. BlindfoldDROWNING POOL bassist Stevie Benton recently spoke to AOL's Noisecreep about the latest addition to the group lineup: singer Jasen Moreno. Moreno, who previously fronted fellow Texas band THE SUICIDE HOOK, is DROWNING POOL's fourth and newest frontman. Jasen replaces vocalist Ryan McCombs,DeAndre Jordan USA Jersey, who exited the group at the end of 2011 after a six-year stint in the lineup.Asked how DROWNING POOL's chemistry has been affected by the singer changes over the years, Benton said: "Well, it's a forced form of band evolution, I would say,Kyle Korver Hawks Swingman Jersey, certainly not something you strive for and not something that I would advise other bands to do, because it's a lot of extra work and it's hard on you at times, but for us,Authentic Dirk Nowitzki Mavericks Jersey, we still had a such great time with Dave [Williams, DROWNING POOL's original singer] and such great vibes still remains and we've been trying to recapture that ever since then. It feels cheap to stick with a chemistry that just doesn't feel right and so maybe that's why we've had a lot of turnover. We knew if we switched singers again that a lot of people would look at it and make comments, but for us it seemed like it was worth it to take that shot at capturing the best chemistry we ever had. So we did. Look, sometimes you have to shift gears and I'm sure some of our ex-singers feel the same way: 'I can't wait to get the hell out of here.'"He added: "One thing we have learned is that each singer has strong points and weak points and we've learned to craft the sound of the band that will benefit the singer at the time. It can be tricky at times to learn the nuances of it, but this time around, one fortunate thing is Jasen, our new singer,Klay Thompson USA Jersey, is a Dallas guy, we've know him for years and so it's not like having a stranger coming in. We had a great idea about him though, who he is and what he is about, and so we've been able to hit the ground running."Moreno made his live debut as a member of DROWNING POOL on July 8, 2012 at a club in Ardmore,Isaiah Thomas Celtics Swingman Jersey, Oklahoma.

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