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發表於 2018-3-30 10:23:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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39-year-old Rehannah Trotz was remanded to prison yesterday by Magistrate Clive Nurse at the Christianburg Magistrate’s Court,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, when she appeared to answer a charge related to the death of her husband.Trotz, of Kwakwani Water Front, Upper Berbice River, who was arrested last Friday, is accused of killing Quinn Ferrier, 44, on the same day. She allegedly stabbed the victim once, while they were on the airstrip road.A post mortem examination which was performed by pathologist, Vivekanand Brijmohan, revealed that Ferrier died from shock and hemorrhage caused by the stab wound.The woman had told detectives that she and Ferrier, a chainsaw operator, had been living together for the past six years. They had no children together, but they shared the home with three of Ferrier’s children and her five.Trotz said that she left the children with her husband and went to Georgetown to purchase clothing to attend the wedding of one of her daughters.She said that she returned home on Thursday around 17:00 hrs and Ferrier was not at home. Around 20:00 hrs, Trotz claimed that the man called her via cellular phone to inform her that he was drinking by a friend, Mark McLean.It was late and the family retired to bed. Around 03:00 hrs on Friday, Ferrier called again, asking her to meet him at the airstrip road, a short distance away from their home.She said that while she was there, she saw Ferrier pushing his bicycle in the company of McLean; they both appeared drunk. An argument ensued between herself and Ferrier and he allegedly dealt her a slap and chucked her to the ground.She said that she then heard Ferrier telling McLean that persons had been telling her (Trotz) that he (Ferrier) was enjoying the services of Mc Lean’s female neighbour.Trotz said that Ferrier was advancing to attack her again when she noticed a knife on the ground and she used it to stab him once to the chest. He fell to the ground and was assisted by McLean to the Kwakwani Hospital where he succumbed shortly after.McLean reported the matter to the Kwakwani Police Station and Trotz was arrested.Trotz is scheduled to return to court on February 21.

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