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發表於 2018-3-31 12:28:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A 15-year-old girl is threatening suicide if the law takes its course against her 23-year-old lover who impregnated her.The girl,Wholesale Hockey Jerseys China, who hails from the Amerindian mission of Moraikobai, is five months pregnant.She was rescued from a house at Wash Clothes, Mahaicony,NFL Jerseys From China, and is presently being housed at the Amerindian Hostel in Mahaicony, while her lover is a guest of the police at the Mahaicony Station lock-ups.Police are seeking the advice of the Director of Public Prosecutions on how to proceed with the matter since although the girl has not reached the age of consent,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the parents of the teenager and the man have reportedly agreed to the relationship.Having sexual intercourse with a person under aged 16 is a criminal offence in Guyana.Kaieteur News understands that the neighbours of the man had observed the teenager living at the man’s Wash Clothes,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Mahaicony residence for a while and tried to contact the authorities since she appeared to be under the age of consent.But their efforts paid little dividends.It was not until they noticed the girl’s stomach rising that they moved a step further and contacted the police.When the police arrived they found the teenager living in the house with the 23-year old man.They were both taken to the Mahaicony Station where they were questioned.Police learnt that the teenager comes from an impoverished household and her mother reportedly cannot afford to send her to school regularly.Initially,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the girl told police that she was 17 years old but later recanted and gave her true age when pressured by investigators.The male suspect in his defence claimed that the girl had fooled him and his parents, too,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, claiming that she was 17 years old.However, police believe that he and his parents were fully aware that the teenager was attending school when they took her into their home.Officials at the Mahaicony Amerindian Hostel are keeping a close eye on the teen and are constantly monitoring the progress of her pregnancy.Only last week,NFL Jerseys China, a 12-year-old gave birth to a baby boy, after she was reportedly raped by her stepfather. The stepfather is presently in custody.

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