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發表於 2018-4-1 08:44:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Neighbourhood Policing…The neighbourhood policing programme which was launched in the year 2007 has seen minimal success, according to Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee.The new concept entails the employment of persons to serve as law enforcement officers in their communities. These are paid a monthly stipend of $25,000.Four of the six police divisions have been able to recruit persons to become neighbourhood police.Rohee disclosed that two divisions appear to have problems attracting recruits to the programme.“I wish to take this opportunity to encourage suitable members of the various communities to become part of this initiative,” Rohee said.Meanwhile, the Home Affairs Minister praised the contribution of community policing groups in the fight to bring criminal activities to a manageable level.Speaking to reporters recently, Rohee noted that despite the attempts of bandits to drive fear into the society, members of the public provided the necessary support to the police in tangible ways.According to Rohee, the number of groups has increased from 190 in 2007 to over 250 in 2008.All of the police divisions recorded increases in the numbers of community policing groups in their areas of operation.The formation of new groups was more dramatic on the East Coast of Demerara, where 21such were formed.“The ministry welcomes this partnership between the police and members of the public,Wholesale Jerseys China,” Rohee said.He noted that, as part of the policy of the Government, assistance in the form of the relevant equipment was provided to many of the groups during the year.Touching on another aspect of public involvement in policing activities, the minister said that while most of the police divisions have properly functioning station management committees, a few are still lagging in this regard. Three of the police divisions seem to be experiencing this difficulty, he said.Station management committees were set up to involve members of the public who volunteer their services to ensure that police stations operate in a manner consistent with their mandate.“My ministry will be paying more attention to this issue in the year 2009,” Rohee said.

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