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The two female prison warders who were implicated in a ganja-smuggling racket are back on the job, but will still face disciplinary action.This was revealed yesterday by Director of Prisons Dale Erskine.“They are back at work,Cheap Jerseys, but they will face internal disciplinary action,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys,” Erskine stressed. He did not specify what this action would be.In response to a query from Kaieteur News, the Director said that prison authorities have no plans to search on-duty warders, except in cases where an individual is suspected of having a prohibited item in their possession.“Any prison official would be concerned about (prohibited) things going into the prison…any matter that comes to the administration we will investigate and report to the authorities.”The two ranks were detained last week after 125 grammes of cannabis was found in an office at the Camp Street penitentiary.Police identified the ranks as a 36-year-old corporal and 28-year-old recruit.However, the Director of Public Prosecutions recommended that the warders be disciplined,Cheap Jerseys China, but not charged.It is alleged that the junior rank had collected a bag containing the marijuana from a woman at the prison gate. The recruit reportedly placed the bag in an office. The female corporal, who was in charge of the night shift, reportedly found the bag and took possession of it without informing her superiors.However,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, the inmate who was to have collected the drugs learned that warders had his ‘stash’ and began to issue death threats to them. It was then that the corporal handed the bag over to a senior rank.Meanwhile, Erskine said that officials have received no further information about the whereabouts of Mazaruni prison escapees Carlton Sampson and Sean Hopkinson.He said that escapees from that facility usually head for Skull Point or Karrau Creek.Both men were incarcerated on armed robbery charges at the time of their escape.Hopkinson, 29, of Blue Berry Hill, Wismar, was jailed for robbing three Banks DIH salesmen at gunpoint in 2010. He was serving concurrent three-year sentences for robbery under arms,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, unlawful possession of firearm and unlawful possession of ammunition.Carlton Sampson, 30, is said to be from Craig, East Bank Demerara. A police release also gave his address as Crane Old Road, West Coast Demerara.In September, 2009,Adidas Hockey Jerseys Cheap, he escaped from the Golden Grove Police Station after assaulting a police constable. At the time, he was a suspect in several armed robberies that were committed on the East Bank of Demerara.A few days later, Sampson was shot in the left hip by police after being cornered in an abandoned house at Kaneville, East Bank Demerara. He was serving sentences for robbery under arms and escape from lawful custody.Hopkinson and Sampson escaped from the Mazaruni Prison on Sunday after scaling the walls of the penitentiary.Kaieteur News understands that the inmates were on recreation, playing a game of cricket, and when a head count was made, warders discovered that the two were missing.

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