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Juliya Chernetsky conducted an interview with GUNS N' ROSES guitarist Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal backstage at the fifth annual Revolver Golden Gods awards on May 2 at Club Nokia in downtown Los Angeles, California. You can now watch the chat below.Will the current version of GUNS N' ROSES ever make a new album? If Thal has any say in the matter, the answer is yes. Although the group has a few shows coming up, Thal told Rolling Stone that there is music ready to go for a follow-up to 2008's "Chinese Democracy". He explained, "There's a lot of stuff,Cheap Dallas Cowboys Jerseys, it's just a question of all of us organizing. We're still doing shows, and I think once we clear our schedule and focus more on new music, it'll happen. We just have little things on the back burner, just waiting for the right time for us to organize and make something new out of it. Hopefully we can make more music — that's what it's about." According to The Pulse Of Radio, Thal believes that the group's fans want to hear something new from GUNS too, saying, "They want new music,Cheap MLB Jerseys, and we can do it. It's not that we're done. I'm not ready for that. We need to keep making music. We have a great band that's ready to do it and can do it well."Any chances of a new album, of course, depend on frontman Axl Rose. It took Rose 13 years to finish "Chinese Democracy", burning through hundreds of thousands of dollars, multiple producers,Cheap Carolina Panthers Jerseys, every last remaining original member of the group and a few replacements before he was done.The finished product got mixed reviews and was a relative flop, moving less than one million copies in the U.S.But Rose remains an enigma. He has not spoken about making a new album in any of his rare interviews, still insists on going onstage late,Cheap NBA Jerseys, and skipped out on GUNS' induction into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in 2012.Keyboardist Dizzy Reed, not an original member of GUNS but a 20-year veteran of the group, told The Pulse Of Radio that unpredictability has always been part of being in the band. "The volatility is definitely still there, especially for me,Cheap Chicago Blackhawks Jerseys, because I've seen a lot," he said. "It keeps you on your toes for sure. I just show up every night as prepared as possible to do my job, and anything else that happens is out of my control. There's really no way to truly deal with that."

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