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發表於 2018-4-2 22:40:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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NEW AMSTERDAM, BERBICE – Commander of Division ‘B’ of the Guyana Police Force Assistant Commissioner, George Alexander Vyphuis condemned the laidback attitude of some business entities towards the safety of their concern as well as their staff members.He posited that these persons need to be more vigilant and more security conscious. At some entities security is lax and others it is non-existent. These were highlighted when the Commander hosted a press conference last Friday at the Central Police Station in New Amsterdam.Commander Vyphuis (fourth right) and his team at the Press Conference.Commander Vyphuis expressed concern over the recent spate of robbery under arms along with break and enter and larceny committed in the Berbice area. He pointed out that many persons would prefer to live in a society free of criminal activities.Though this may be impractical, he said cognizance must be taken of the response of police when a crime is perpetrated and the commitment to putting systems in place that deal with the situation.The Commander and his team are to meet with members of the Berbice Chamber of Commerce and Development Association, Central Corentyne Chamber of Commerce and the Upper Corentyne Chamber of Commerce in the not too distant future. This is mainly to seek their assistance in raising security awareness within the business community.Divisional Detective Officer Superintendent Marlon Chapman is soon to travel to neighbouring Suriname as part of an effort to re-inforce strong ties with the sister CARICOM country.Commander Vyphuis indicated that the Guyana Police Force gets the necessary cooperation from authorities in Suriname.The Division is stepping up campaigns,Wholesale Hockey Jerseys China, including roadblocks and patrols to ensure the safety of persons.A closer eye is being kept on known characters and the number of raids is to be carried out as well.Prior to the opening of the Berbice River Bridge, many persons felt it would have been an easy get away for those with criminal intent.But Commander Vyphuis said that there has been no cause for concern thus far since the bridge and its environs have high police presence.If and when a crime is committed the necessary roadblocks are erected in the vicinity of the bridge along with other strategic locations and so far this has borne fruit.However there are some areas in both East Berbice and on the western side of the Berbice River that are of concern to police ranks,Wholesale Jerseys China, not only in terms of robberies but as it relates to illicit drugs.A lot of the prohibited substance is recovered and in many instances the drugs are coming out of areas along the Berbice and Canje Rivers.Comparative figures were not given for crime at the press conference, however, the number of armed robberies, especially those involving the use of guns,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, increased in Division ‘B’ of the Guyana Police Force.Detectives got a break though in some of the robberies. The Geddes Grant incident took place on April 2nd and Dwayne Harris of Aubrey Barker Street, South Ruimveldt, Georgetown and hire car driver Courtney Patterson of Glasgow Housing Scheme on the outskirts of New Amsterdam were placed before the court.On Thursday police arrested a third suspect in South Ruimveldt in connection with this robbery.Twenty-year old Ryan Mohabir of Sheet Anchor in East Canje was placed before the court for the armed robbery committed on poultry businesswoman Deomattie Arjune.It is alleged that on April 11th, the man,Cheap Jerseys China, in the company of another,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, used a gun and a knife to relieve the Sheet Anchor business entity of $1 million, US$300,Cheap Jerseys From China, and cheques totaling $255,000.At this business place there was no security, the Commander indicated.Divisional Detective Officer Superintendent Marlon Chapman disclosed that when statistics were analyzed, the findings revealed that in many instances the victims selected are those who are the most vulnerable. Robbers also pick locations where they believe police may not be in a position to respond promptly.In many cases, the bandits snatched cash that was already gathered or prepared for deposit at commercial banks.Meanwhile, the February 15th slaying of two Smythfield women is still being investigated.Superintendent Chapman is still hopeful that his team could place the long arm of justice on the person or persons who killed the women. A car is among the pieces of evidence that is awaiting forensic examination. This along with whatever groundwork is being done would assist detectives to crack the case, which is now more than two months old.Meanwhile, Officer-In-Charge of Traffic Senior Superintendent Owen Trotz said that some exercises aimed at reducing fatalities and curbing lawlessness on the roadway have been increased.These include clamping down on those speeding, consuming alcohol and driving, the use of the mobile phone whilst driving and tinted windows.There are reports of persons indulging in drag racing in some areas.Recently in New Amsterdam, three culprits were arrested and placed before the court.A number of persons were prosecuted in Berbice for noise nuisance and the campaign continues.According to Mr. Trotz mini-bus and hire car drivers in Berbice are more co-operative. Today very few mini-buses bear slogans.In terms of road fatalities, there were five in 2008 and for the corresponding period this year the figure stands at nine.Trotz noted that a traffic audit revealed that up to August 2008 there were less night driving and fewer nocturnal activities.Many of the accidents in Division ‘B’ took place after 17:00 hours.Commander Vyphuis also reiterated his no-nonsense approach to corruption among his flock. He indicated that in terms of transactions involving the sale of drivers’ licences,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, three police ranks are before the court.Also attending the press briefing were Officers-In-Charge of the Number One, Two and Three Sub-Divisions – Assistant Superintendent Leroy Albert and Superintendent Deryck Younge. (Melissa Johnson)

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