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發表於 2018-4-5 01:57:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…but residents maintain their storyBusinessman Doodnauth Samaroo,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, a/k Pin,NFL Jerseys China, of Hampton Court, Essequibo Coast is refuting the article in the September 18 issue of Kaieteur News captioned “Essequibo residents accuse businessman of stealing their land”.Yesterday, Samaroo denied stealing portions of the affected resident’s land. Instead, he contended that he has a plot of land in close proximity to Lots 14,15 and 16, west of Bush Lot public road.He added that he has been in receipt of a Government lease for almost five years. The businessman also claims that he has been paying his rates and taxes for his portion of land.He further stressed that stories told by the residents who own Lots 14, 15 and16 respectively are all lies. “Am I a madman to do something like that? These people were shown a lease before I started to do any foundation work on my plot of land at Bush Lot.”The businessman who said that he plans to construct a mini-mall at this site claimed to have received a lease from the Government.Mrs Deowattie Jowahir, one of the affected residents of Lot 15, said that for the past 40 years she has been occupying and paying her rates and taxes for her plot of land.She said that at no time did Mr Samaroo show her a lease that he claimed to have acquired. She stressed that both her ingress and egress have been restricted.Mrs Jowahir also stated that all those house lots that are in dispute were always occupied.Another affected resident of Lot 16,NFL Jerseys From China, Julius Hercules, a farmer,Alex Iwobi Arsenal Jersey UK, said his plot of land was handed down to him by his grandmother Elizabeth Floyd in 1953, and that land was granted Prescriptive Rights by March 16,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, 1946.The farmer also noted that he was given permission by the Anna Regina Town Council to construct a wooden box koker, which he did and which was subsequently destroyed.“My fence was broken down, as was a small shed from which I would normally sell my produce. Portions of the market car park were also damaged during this exercise”.The current occupant of lot 15,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys China, Mr Ramkissoon also complained of having his thriving kitchen garden and fence destroyed.The affected residents who are sticking by their stories are also calling for the immediate intervention of the government.

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