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Wholesale NFL Jerseys called ‘Alo’.Senior prosecutor Judith Gildharie-Mursali









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發表於 2018-4-5 17:00:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The prosecution has closed its case in the “Picture Boy” Voir Dire and in his defence the accused is going to call a doctor to prove that a caution statement he reportedly gave to the police in 2006 was not given freely and voluntarily.Cyon Collier is charged for the murder of Victoria brothers; Ray Walcott called ‘Sugar’ and Carl Andrews, called ‘Alo’.Senior prosecutor Judith Gildharie-Mursalin, had closed her case on behalf of the state on Wednesday last and Collier via his lawyer,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, Lyndon Amsterdam,Cheap Jerseys 2018, was required to lead the defence. Collier took the stand on Thursday and testified before Justice Diana Insanally the occurrences following his arrest by the police and what transpired in their custody.It is the defence argument that the caution statement given to the police reportedly from Collier in 2006 was not given freely. They are seeking to have the court cancel the tendering of the evidence.When given the three options of remaining silent, giving a sworn or an unsworn statement, Collier went into the witness box to give a sworn statement. With this choice, the accused was subject to cross examination by the prosecutor. Collier’s lawyer led him in his evidence- in- chief.The accused was later cross examined by the prosecutor who asked Collier more than 200 questions,Wholesale China Jerseys, in relation to him giving the caution statement to the police, and the circumstances surrounding his defence.Amsterdam later told the court that he would be calling, on behalf of his client,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, a medical practitioner on Monday to confirm claims made by his client.Collier,Cheap Jerseys USA, according to the state, murdered the Victoria brothers on September 23,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, 2006. Allegations are that he armed himself with a high powered rifle and opened fire on the men while they viewed a domino game being played at the road corner.The prosecution said that the accused came up to the men while a rifle was slung across his back. After committing the alleged attack, Collier reportedly entered a minibus and fled the scene. The brothers died before receiving medical attention.

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