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[泰拳] Wholesale Jerseys and when the businesswoman returned









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發表於 2018-4-6 02:38:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– prime suspect reportedly has history of violenceA post mortem performed on Wednesday confirmed that Brazilian businesswoman Elisangela Silva Figueara was beaten and strangled, but all indications are that the prime suspect has already fled the country.Police Public Relations Officer Ivelaw Whittaker told Kaieteur News that the cause of death was given as blunt trauma to the head and strangulation.Elisangela Da Silva FiguearaKaieteur News understands that detectives are trying to locate a Brazilin woman with whom the 35-year-old Figueara allegedly had a dispute over money shortly before her death.But reports indicate that the individual may have fled to Brazil.Sources who knew both individuals said that the woman had fled to Guyana a few years ago after committing a serious crime in Brazil. It is alleged that she returned to Brazil after wounding another woman at an interior location.After spending a few months in Brazil,Cheap World Cup Jerseys, the suspect returned to Guyana and began to work with Figueara at Bartica.Figueara reportedly left the woman to run her communications business for about a month, and when the businesswoman returned,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys China, she is said to have discovered that between $600,000 and $1M was missing.The two were reportedly heard arguing last week Thursday,Cheap Jerseys From China, which was also the last time that Figueara was seen alive. Kaieteur News was told that the suspect was last seen at a Bartica shop last Friday.Figueara’s body was discovered on Sunday night in a bedroom at her Lot 97 Second Avenue,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Bartica residence.Her bed was blood-soaked and her tongue was protruding. There was also a gash on her head.Neighbours last saw Figueara alive two Thursdays ago when she was sweeping her yard. During the evening they heard her arguing with another woman.The following day, neighbours reportedly observed that all the windows and doors of the residence were shut.On Sunday evening,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, two Brazilian men who visited the residence regularly,Cheap Jeseys NFL, forced open a bedroom window and discovered Figueara’s decomposing corpse.The victim had operated a communications centre, a guest house and a money transfer service to Brazil.

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