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發表於 2017-1-2 21:38:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The official lyric video for the song "Shades Of Gray" from Finnish melancholic dark metal forerunners AMORPHIS can be seen below. The track comes off the band's eleventh album, "Circle", which will be released on April 19 via Nuclear Blast Records. Production and mixing duties for the follow-up to 2011's "The Beginning Of Times" were handled by HYPOCRISY and PAIN mastermind Peter Tägtgren, who has previously worked with such bands as CHILDREN OF BODOM, CELTIC FROST,Kenny Stabler Raiders Jersey, IMMORTAL and DIMMU BORGIR.  The recordings took place at Petrax Studio (NIGHTWISH,Peyton Manning Colts Jersey, CHILDREN OF BODOM, KORPIKLAANI) in Hollola and 5K Studios in Helsinki. The cover artwork was created by Tom Bates (BLEED FROM WITHIN,Mike Wagner Steelers Jersey, DEVIL SOLD HIS SOUL) and can be seen below.  Commented AMORPHIS vocalist Tomi Joutsen: "The mystic, androgynous person on the cover represents a spiritual guide. This character was sent from another time and place to help the album's protagonist find a new path for his life.""Circle" track listing: 01. Shades Of Gray02. Mission03. The Wanderer04. Narrow Path05. Hopeless Days06. Nightbird's Song07. Into The Abyss08. Enchanted By The Moon09. A New Day 10. Dead Man's Dream (bonus track)The album's limited digibook version will come with a bonus DVD containing the following:* The Making Of "Circle"* Nightbird's Song (video clip)The official lyric video for the song "Hopeless Days" can be seen below.Apart from the CD+DVD digibook version, "Circle" will be available on CD (without the bonus track),Lyle Alzado Raiders Jersey, black 2LP in gatefold,Patrick Kerney Seahawks Jersey, brown 2LP in gatefold and as a bulging limited box, including three bonus tracks and a wristband — exclusively via the Nuclear Blast mail order. A short summary about the album's concept/story that spreads throught out the lyrics by Pekka Kainulainen, who wrote the lyrics for most recent AMORPHIS albums: "The protagonist has been dealt a bad hand at birth. He’s always felt himself an outsider with strong potential to become marginalized. Through an accident, after a crisis,LaDainian Tomlinson Jets Jersey, he finds a connection with his inner powers. A guide is sent to him,Jack Ham Steelers Jersey, from some other time and place. He gets a chance to take hold of his own life and change his destiny. From the past of Carelian Finland he finds his own spiritual tribe and the power to turn the course of his doomed life. This is a story of survival."Joutsen added about the album title: "'Circle' represents integrity. Back in the days, when there was something special to talk about, wise men used to sit in circle. Not everyone was invited to join them. But in this story, the protagonist was invited among the wise men's circle."Regarding the direction of the new AMORPHIS material, the band's guitarist and founding member Esa Holopainen said: "While promoting 'The Beginning Of Times',Phil McConkey Giants Jersey, we started to feel that we were giving the same explanations over and over again when people asked about the studio process and how the songs came about. Even though the music was very strong, the making process didn't offer any surprises and appeared to be quite secured.  Now the addition of a new dimension to the developing process has inspired us to focus on our material even more. The songs are extremely strong, bombastic and skull-pummelling.""The Beginning Of Times" entered the German Media Control chart at  position No. 16 — the best chart position ever scored by an AMORPHIS album in that country. The CD also landed at position No. 1 on the Finnish chart.

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