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發表於 2018-4-9 01:25:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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As the Christmas season is fast approaching, the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) continues to see a decline in blood collection.At a press conference held on Monday,Jerseys From China, Minister of Health Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, told media operatives that even though there has been an increase in the number of voluntary blood donations countrywide, organisations at present are concentrating on the upcoming Christmas season, and as such blood drives are becoming fewer.At this time also,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, the NBTS is experiencing another severe shortage of blood. National Blood Donor Manager of the NBTS,NFL Jerseys From China, Shameeza Mangal, told this newspaper that there are three open heart surgeries scheduled for this month,China NFL Jerseys, which will further deplete the stocks currently held at the NBTS.Also, it was noted that there are hundreds of people in the hospitals who need blood now.In light of the busy season, Dr. Ramsammy urged organisations to continue hosting blood drives as there is still a demand for a daily supply of blood.According to Dr. Ramsammy, voluntary donations cover 68 percent of all blood donations, nationally. This,Cheap Jerseys From China, he said, has made the blood drives for the year “a tremendous success,” but he added that there is still however a long way to go to attain the 8,000 units target by the end of the year.The Minister is appealing to the public to donate blood to the NBTS in order to provide the much needed life-saving commodity,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, as there are a number of patients in the hospital, including several children who need special treatment which may also require large amounts of blood.While the buffer stock is at a level lower than the Ministry desires on a daily basis, Dr. Ramsammy said it is at a higher level than that of last year.Mangal told Kaieteur News on Monday that there is still a need to have a buffer supply at the NBTS for emergency situations, as she explained that hospitals call on a daily basis for more than 50 units of blood.The Health Minister and Mangal both revealed that apart from the general need for blood there is a critical need for B plus and B negative blood types to be added to the blood supply.In this regard, both individuals appealed to persons with the ‘B’ blood type to make the extra effort to walk into the NBTS to make the donation.As of Monday, Dr. Ramsammy said the NBTS held some 6,300 units of blood and that a minimum of 1200 units is needed to accomplish the 8000 unit target.

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