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Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping “Boy









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發表於 2018-4-9 05:14:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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De whole of Guyana was happy when dem read de Waterfalls paper early yesterday. Dey know when dem read de paper every day is like reading part of their religious book.Well yesterday was All Fools Day, and everybody know that somebody gun do something to trap somebody and turn back and laugh. Dem does seh, “I ketch you deh; I got you deh.”De Waterfalls pull wan All Fools Day prank. It carry a story that seh four big man visa get tek way. De phone start ringing even before de sun come up or cock crow.By 8 o’clock de morning dem boys phone battery dead. Everybody calling to find out is who.One lady call she neighbour soon morning, “Nayba, God bless America. Dem do de right thing. You know how lang I did waiting fuh something like this?”A pastor hold up he bible and seh God doan sleep.One Government Minister sister wake up de Waterfalls boss man fuh find out if she brudda is one of dem. When he ask she wha she talking about, she tell him that she brudda read de paper and couldn’t find de continuation on page 38, and he believe that he name might deh pun de missing page.She seh she brudda call he son and ask de boy to find de end of de visa story. De kid check fuh over five minutes and seh,World Baseball Classic Jerseys, “Dad,Gordon Hayward Jersey, there is no page 38. De paper end at page 32.”De boss man and all get fool, because he and all end up looking fuh page 38. He cuss de pressmen and ask why dem lef out de other pages. Is dem tell he that is an All Fools Day trick.While this happening,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Minister calling Minister to ask if dem visa get tek. One Minister tell he colleague, “Boy,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, I was just about to call you, because Donald call me and ask me ‘bout you.”When de visa story start fuh hot up de place,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, people start fuh call on one another. People who read de story start fuh ask dem mattie readers if dem paper got page 38.Nuff of dem run behind de vendors and want to beat dem fuh find page 38. One vendor seh de only 38 he know ‘bout is a gun.More than 100 people call de Waterfalls paper fuh seh that dem wouldn’t buy de paper no more just because that story wasn’t de truth.De embassy vex too. Dem and all get bombarded wid calls. Dem want to know why so many people call dem and tell dem thanks and call down de blessing of de Creatah pun dem.De phone calls mek dem run to read de paper. Dem boys hear that dem smile and laugh at de joke, but dem stop laugh when de Lunch Man call de embassy after he read de story.That push de embassy to put out a statement in which dem seh dem didn’t find it funny. But dem boys de mean fuh mek people happy and mek dem laugh.One thing is fuh sure though. Dem boys promise you, de readers,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, that de next time y’aal see a story like dat it will be de truth and nutten but de truth.Talk half and remember, is only one April first in a whole year.

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