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Cheap NFL Jerseys China Susankar was cross examined by McKenzie.Land court judg









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發表於 2018-4-9 19:17:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Warren McKenzie, one of the five men accused of robbing Land Court Judge, Nicola Pierre and her husband Mohamed Chand told police that he was “sent on a wuk” at the couple’s home, the night they were robbed and terrorized.This is according to Detective Corporal Chateram Susankar who testified yesterday, when the trial of the five men accused of robbing the couple continued yesterday at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court.The witness told the court that after he related the offences of two counts of robbery under arms committed on the judge and her husband to McKenzie, he replied,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, “Is wha I put meself in hay boy. If I did know that lady was a judge, they couldn’t get me pun dah wuk yuh know”.Susankar said that on August 26, last,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, he and a Police Sergeant left the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at Eve Leary, for the Brickdam Police Station, after receiving instructions from their superior. He said that upon arrival at the station he made contact with McKenzie, who was lying in a stretcher.Warren McKenzieThe witness stated that he enquired from McKenzie about his wellbeing, before proceeding to converse with him.According to the Detective, he told McKenzie that he was in receipt of information, that he,Jerseys From China, in the company of others on the night of July 9, 2015, robbed Pierre at Montrose, East Coast Demerara.Susankar recalled that he told the defendant that he robbed Pierre of a quantity of gold and diamond jewellery, a Sony playstation, three video games, one Samsung tablet, a quantity of gem stones, among other items—property of the said Pierre.He also recalled that he told McKenzie that he robbed Chand of five wrist watches, a wedding band, two brown leather wallets along with other items all valuing $2,630,000. The items belonged to Chand, Susankar said. Additionally, the Detective stated that he had also related the offence of discharging a loaded firearm to the defendant.“I told him that I was in receipt of information that he (McKenzie) on the night of July 9, 2015, while being in the company of others, discharged a loaded firearm at Ron Peters, with intent to maim, disable, disfigure or cause grievous bodily harm to the said Ron Peters.”“Nah me, me aint get no gun now”, were the words McKenzie uttered after this allegation was put to him, the witness recounted.The court was told by Susankar that at the end of each allegation, the defendant was cautioned, according to the judge’s rule. He said that at no time was the defendant offered any inducements, promises, nor were threats made by him or anyone else in his presence to McKenzie.He stated that the defendant had declined to sign statements.After giving his testimony, Susankar was cross examined by McKenzie.Land court judge, Nicola Pierre and her husband Mohamed ChandMcKenzie explained to Magistrate Zamilla Ally-Seepaul that he had never seen the Detective before. He however, gave a conflicting story when he told the court that Susankar had come to the station and inquired from him why he was in police custody. He related that he told the officer he had no knowledge.  Susankar quickly replied that the defendant’s claims were “not true”.The defendant said that he was informed by Susankar that he was being held for guns and ammunition that police found on the “East Bank”. But the witness denied ever telling McKenzie such.Under further cross examination by McKenzie, the Detective also denied showing him a book with some gun and ammunition charges. The defendant also told the court that the officer came the following day and told him he has to go to court for robbing the judge and her husband.In response to this statement, the witness said that McKenzie was indeed taken to court, but he cannot recall if it was the following day.The other defendants,Cheap Jerseys, Prosecutor Nigel Hughes and Attorney Adrian Thompson – who is representing defendants, Premnauth Samaroo and Nicholas Narine – declined to ask the witness questions.Premnauth Samaroo, Damien Millington, 22 of Lot 118 Caesar Street, Agricola, Nicholas Narine, 18, also of Caesar Street, Agricola,Cheap Jerseys From China Online, Anthony David, 28, of 63 Hadfield Street,Wholesale Jerseys China, Stabroek and Warren Mc Kenzie, 22 of Lot 18 Brutus Street, Agricola, are jointly facing three charges – two for the offence of robbery under arms committed on Pierre and her husband, and another for the offence of discharging a loaded firearm at security guard, Ron Peters.Pierre, Chand and Peters have so far positively identified four of the defendants (Samaroo, Millington, Narine and McKenzie) as the ones who were part of the robbery/invasion that occurred on July 9, last in the gated community of Felicity, East Coast Demerara.This trial continues tomorrow.

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