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Vancouver, British Columbia,Stephen Strasburg Nationals Jersey, Canada traditional metallers 3 INCHES OF BLOOD filmed a video for the song "Metal Woman" on Sunday, March 4 in Seattle. According to the band,Santiago Casilla Giants Jersey, the shoot went "fucking killer!"A photo from the set of the "Metal Woman" video shoot can be seen below."Metal Woman" comes off 3 INCHES OF BLOOD's fifth studio album, "Long Live Heavy Metal", which will be released on March 27 via Century Media Records.  According to a press release, "fans can expect a blast of pure metal assured to leave no face unmelted.""'Long Live Heavy Metal' is the fifth chapter in the book of 3 INCHES OF BLOOD, and we couldn't be more pleased and proud of our new onslaught of honest heavy metal," says guitarist Justin Hagberg.  For "Long Live Heavy Metal",Jim Palmer Orioles Jersey, 3 INCHES OF BLOOD reunited with producer and engineer Terry "Sho" Murray (CITY OF FIRE, EXHIBITIONISTS), who worked with the band on their seven-inch single, "Anthems For The Victorious".   "When a band is releasing a new record, they often speak about it being their most important work or best album to date," explains vocalist Cam Pipes. "Regardless of how clichéd either statement may sound,Brandon Moss Cardinals Jersey, I think we would say both apply to this album. All of us have a special feeling about this one.  We're more committed than ever to the cause of real,Darwin Barney Blue Jays Jersey, honest, no-bullshit heavy metal.  No trends, no fucking around!"3 INCHES OF BLOOD teamed up with Kim Thiessen to perfect their artistic vision for the album, which will be released as a digipack and when opened, lays out similar to that of a book.  "Long Live Heavy Metal" track listing:01. Metal Woman02. My Sword Will Not Sleep03. Leather Lord04. Chief And The Blade05. Dark Messenger06. Look Out07. 4000 Torches08. Leave It On The Ice09. Die For Gold (Upon The Boiling Sea IV)10. Storming Juno11. Men Of Fortune12. One For The Ditch"Leather Lord" audio stream:   3 INCHES OF BLOOD recently recruited Byron Stroud (STRAPPING YOUNG LAD,Cal Ripken Orioles Jersey, FEAR FACTORY) as its new bassist. Stroud and 3 INCHES OF BLOOD have been working together on a variety of things,Jim Thome Indians Jersey, and Stroud is beyond pleased shift his involvement to a creative level.   Beginning March 16, 3 INCHES OF BLOOD will head out on the "Metal Alliance Tour 2012" alongside DEVILDRIVER, THE FACELESS, DYING FETUS, JOB FOR A COWBOY,Pedro Alvarez Orioles Jersey, IMPENDING DOOM and WRETCHED.

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