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The book "Once Upon A Rock Star: Backstage Passes In The Heavy Metal Eighties - Big Hair, Bad Boys (And One Bad Girl)" was officially released on July 17 by Arbor Oak Books, an imprint of Concierge Marketing."Once Upon A Rock Star" is author Rita Rae Roxx's '80s sex-and-tell book about all the heavy metal rock icons she met who toured through Omaha, Nebraska back in the day and whom she followed to L.A.,Patrick Patterson Raptors Jersey, even while attending Omaha's Central High School.For anyone disappointed with the movie "Rock Of Ages", this is the real deal,Custom Wizards Jersey, the whole decade of rock fan adoration for the boys in the bands who played the Omaha Civic, from one little Chiquita from Omaha and her awesome entourage who had backstage access on the tour buses and after-show hotel hookups.Rita lived what Blurt magazine calls an "ab-f***ing-fab life," and it's all '80s,Tracy Mcgrady Raptors Jersey, all 200+ pages, including her vintage collection of backstage passes and tickets,Kobe Bryant Team USA Jersey, plus 60 never-before-seen personal backstage photos of Rockin' Rita with all the big-name legends, such as Eddie Van Halen,Juwan Howard Wizards Jersey, Steven Tyler, Bret Michaels,Allen Iverson Team USA Jersey, Nikki Sixx, Peter Wolf, and plenty more.Rockin' Rita and her sexy entourage were ultra-fans who rocked the boys in the bands backstage and between the covers when the heavy metal rockers and the glam "chicks with dicks" rolled into town in their tour buses. With her own outrageously high hair and edgy original clothing designs,Harrison Barnes Team USA Jersey, Rita never missed an opportunity to get the coveted backstage passes that led to dressing room parties and hotel hook-ups.This is a sex-and-tell story about her obsession for sex and drugs with rock stars. Rita reveals her flirtatious romps and hard rock tales with the bad boys of '80s heavy metal in her legend-filled story. Check out a preview chapter at this location.For more information,Grant Hill Magic Jersey, visit OnceUponARockStarBook.com.

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