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On November 8, GALLOWS bassist Stuart Gili-Ross and the band's new vocalist,Wholesale Jerseys, former ALEXISONFIRE guitarist Wade MacNeil,NFL Fans Cheap Jerseys, were interviewed by Denise Falzon in Toronto, Ontario,Cheap Jerseys Fans, Canada for the latest episode of Exclaim! TV's "Aggressive Tendencies" series. They discussed GALLOWS' latest self-titled album, what the writing process was like and how people have been responding to the new material live. Gili-Ross and MacNeil also talked about how MacNeil has had an impact on the band's sound and how ALEXISONFIRE fans are reacting to his new role as a frontman in a new band. You can watch the chat below.Released on September 10 through the band's own label Venn Records (in partnership with [PIAS] Recordings), GALLOWS' third and self-titled album proves that their reputation as the U.K.'s most notorious and exciting punk band will not be changing any time soon.  Recorded, produced, mixed and mastered by long-term friends Thomas Mitchener and Steve Sears at Broadfields Studio in Watford in May this year, it is, say the band "our statement of intent,Cheap NFL Jerseys, our laugh in the face of those who said GALLOWS were done when in reality we're just warming up," they continue. "We couldn't feel more vindicated and proud."One of the album's many standout tracks, "Outsider Art", was released as a single on October 1. "I've spent the last 10 years of my life getting lost on the road,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic," explained Wade MacNeil. "There's some dark stories to tell. 'Outsider Art' is just one of them."A classic GALLOWS track through and through, it retains all of the band's power and aggression but at the same time leaves their ability to pen a distinctive melody intact.A special edition version of the album also includes a DVD documentary that provides a fascinating and often hilarious insight into the world of GALLOWS over the last few months."Gallows" track listing:01. Victim Culture02. Everybody Loves You (When You're Dead)03. Last June04. Outsider Art05. Vapid Adolescent Blues06. Austere07. Depravers08. Odessa09. Nations- Never Enough - 10. Cult Of Mary11. Cross Of LorraineGALLOWS is:Wade MacNeil (vocals)Lee Barratt (drums)Stephen Carter (guitar)Laurent Barnard (guitar)Stuart Gili-Ross (bass)

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