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Discount NFL Jerseys to court









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發表於 2018-4-11 13:52:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“On Thursday I got the shock of my life. We went (to court) with high hopes and expectation…but when he (Magistrate) said two years, I feel my heart jumping out of place,” policeman’s wife.The reputed wife of jailed Police Constable, Ertest Ivan, has vowed that she will do whatever it takes to secure the finances to appeal his sentence even if she has to beg.The distraught woman, Phulmati Khan,Cheap Jerseys From China Online, is still reeling from the shock of the man she has been living with for the past 13 years being sent to jail for two years after he was found guilty of allowing a prisoner to escape.Constable Ertest IvanOn Thursday last Constables Ivan and Sandra Corridus were jailed by Magistrate Clive Nurse, exactly six years to the day after they first appeared in court for allowing former murder accused, Onika King, to escape, while they were escorting her to Berbice.“I don’t know what it is about February 6, but that is a date I will never forget,” Khan lamented.She will be seeking the services of an attorney to appeal the sentence, not only because she is convinced that her husband is innocent, but especially since she is worried about his medical condition.She said that Ivan has been suffering from various ailments, for which he has undergone six surgeries in the past six years.And given the limited scope for proper medical attention in the prison, Ivan could face a grim future behind bars.In fact, the same day that he was sentenced to prison, Ivan was scheduled for a doctor’s appointment.It was these same doctor’s appointments that were in a small part responsible for the delay in the trial.In an exclusive interview with Kaieteur News yesterday, Phulmati Khan recalled the minutes leading up to the Magistrate’s long-awaited decision and shocking sentence.She said that throughout the trial she was confident that the charges against her husband would have been dismissed but things took an unexpected twist last week.“On Thursday I got the shock of my life. We went (to court) with high hopes and expectation…but when he (magistrate) said two years, I feel my heart jumping out of place,” Khan recalled.“I think they want to kill my husband. My pressure is up, I can’t sleep, I can’t eat,Cheap Jerseys China,” she added.Her daughter, Nazareen, shared similar sentiments, since she claimed that she too is very attached to Ivan.Thursday’s decision came after six agonising years, during which the summary matter was heard by six Magistrates and presented by seven different Prosecutors, not to mention different defence attorneys.The matter started in February 2008 before Magistrate Yohhannseh Cave and was subsequently heard by Magistrates Heymant Ramdhani, Judy Latchman and Alex Moore and more recently Sueanna Lovell.All seven police witnesses had testified in the trial but the constant adjournments and Magistrate changes resulted in several aborted trials.Another main witness, Ashanti Schultz, called ‘Blondie’ who was also a prisoner in the vehicle with King, left the jurisdiction shortly after the two cops were charged and therefore was unavailable to offer any evidence.According to the prosecution on November 2, 2007 at Hand-en-Veldt, Mahaica,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, while being on a criminal charge, King escaped from custody.On that day, King had attended court in Georgetown and was being transported back to the New Amsterdam Prison when she escaped.At the time, the 22-year-old King of Lot 1830 North Ruimveldt, Festival City, Georgetown, was facing charges for the December 13, 2006 murder of Selvin King.According to reports, the police vehicle transporting King and another female murder accused,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Ashanti Schultz, had stopped at the liquor restaurant.The ranks and the two murder accused allegedly entered the liquor restaurant where the policemen ordered drinks.While there,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, King reportedly told the ranks that she wanted to relieve herself and they allowed her to go to the restaurant’s washroom.It is alleged that while the ranks remained at their table, the accused crawled through a hole in the fence at the back of the premises and disappeared.King managed to remain at large while the police ranks faced the court.She was however detained in Suriname and handed over to Guyana police who charged her with escaping from lawful custody.She was subsequently freed of the murder, while strangely enough the escape from lawful custody charge was dismissed.But despite this, the prosecution still persisted with the charges against the police ranks Corridus and Ivan.According to Phulmati Khan, it has cost her in excess of $500,000 in lawyer’s fees alone, and when that is added to the lost days of work and constant travelling to the various courts on East Coast Demerara, the situation has left her financially drained.“For the first four years of the trial, we had to be travelling every month to court,” Khan stated.She explained that “it (the case) went from Mahaica to Sparendaam; from there back to Mahaica; then to Mahaicony, when Mahaica court was under repairs; then back to Mahaica. That is how they had we.“It cost me a lot of money over the six years. I am under tremendous stress,” she explained.News of the constables’ sentencing have not gone down well with his former colleagues either.They remembered Constable Ivan as a dedicated cop with 20 years’ service,Wholesale China Jerseys, who risked his life on several occasions, while on official police duty.One colleague recalled that Ivan was the driver of a police vehicle that was riddled with bullets while they were on patrol in the troubled village of Buxton in 2002.“I tell his friends, ‘tek you sons and send them to cut cane because the police have no thanks to give you’,” an obviously bitter Phulmati Khan declared.

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