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發表於 2018-4-12 13:00:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Food for the Poor Guyana Incorporated continues to dole out benevolence to organisations and individuals  countrywide. Many of these are involved in community-based activities or are  in need.   Among the organizations benefitting from the latest wave of generosity were the Three Technical Institutes in Berbice — the New Amsterdam Technical Institute (NATI), the Upper Corentyne Technical Institute (UCTI) and the Guysuco Training Centre, Port Mourant (GTC/PM). They received over three cartons of working gloves (Hand Gloves), more than 120 overalls and basic stationery supplies.A number of other organisations received computers to help with their information Technology programme. These were thePresenting items to the technical institute.Albion Chapel Community Centre and Play School at Fyrish Village Corentyne; the Turn Your Life around Group; the Eversham Community Developers at Eversham Corentyne Berbice and the Amerindian Students Hostel at Corriverton.These latest donations of Computers will add to the set already presented to the All Saints Presbyterian Community Development Centre in New Amsterdam; Mibicuri Community Developers in Black Bush Polder and the Felix Austin B Division Police Training College at Adventure.In all 48 computers set were donated. The Amerindian Hostel also received a quantity of stationeries.The St Francis Community Developers in Berbice (SFCD) also received a number of items including 24 sets of Executive chairs,Marshon Lattimore Jersey, two executive conference tables and four book shelves. Those items will be used to furnish the Training Centre which is being constructed in the compound with funds from the Japanese Government. It is scheduled to be open in April 2012.  Food for the Poor had undertaken the task of furnishing the two-storey building.Three families who were recently affected by fire were also assisted. The families are Jasmati Jagdeo and Rohit Beharry and family of Alness Corentyne whose house was destroyed by Fire on Monday November 14.The second family was that of Shazam Bacchus of 110High Reef Albion. He,Jerseys NFL China, his wife Laxhmee Motilall and two children lost their home in a blaze on November 22.The third family was that of Basmat Nagamootoo of Lancaster Corentyne whose house was destroyed on Wednesday November 23, leaving her, three children kids and two grand children homeless. They received Gas stoves, mattresses,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey, clothing, foodstuffs,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, and other household items.Among other organisation benefitting earlier was the Felix Austin Police Training School (FAPTS) which was the largest beneficiary. The school received 15 complete beds along with 45 mattresses, Gas Stoves,Cheap Jerseys From China, living room furniture, television sets and utensils among other things.FFP is in the process of assisting the school in setting up a fowl farm.The Port Mourant Ophthalmology Hospital received over 30 crates of Spectacles and Sun Shades and the Amerindian Community of Orealla also received two wheel chairs to be used by differently able persons in the community.CEO of the FFP organisation Mr. Leon Davis, congratulated the recipients for their excellent work and for coming on board to partner with his organisation. He said that the FFP is not only about food, but also about making a difference in the lives of Guyanese in whatever way it could “We believe in teaching a man to fish and let him feed himself after, instead of giving him fish on a daily basis”.He said that it is not only salary and an increase in pay that workers will be happy about,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey UK, but other benefits.Mr. Davis had also called on the media to work in partnership with the organization so that people can know what is happening and the donors will continue to support in the future.The FFP is celebrating its 20th anniversary as a Non government organization and Social service provider in Guyana while the St. Francis Community Developers is celebrating its 25th anniversary in service to the people in Guyana

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