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Wholesale Jerseys Rock & Brews Agoura









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發表於 2017-1-3 04:54:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Rock icons Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons, co-founders of KISS,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, announced plans to open a new Rock & Brews restaurant on May 8. The new Rock & Brews is located on Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) in Torrance, California,Cheap Jerseys Authentic, and is the newest in the Los Angeles area and the third to open in just over a year, demonstrating Rock & Brews plans for a worldwide rapid expansion of the brand. Rock & Brews PCH joins the brand's growing roster that includes its flagship location in El Segundo, Califofrnia, which opened in April of 2012,Cheap Jerseys From China, and the first international location in Los Cabos, Mexico,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, which opened in March 2013. "We continue to expand Rock & Brews worldwide with a commitment to building a family-friendly atmosphere that serves exceptional food along with a broad selection of craft beers,Cheap NFL Jerseys China," said Stanley. "We offer incredible value in a fun, energized rock-themed environment." Four additional Rock & Brews restaurants are currently in development: Rock & Brews LAX (California) will open this summer (in the Delta Airlines Terminal); Rock & Brews Maui (Hawaii) will open this fall; Rock & Brews Agoura (California) will also open this fall; and,China Jerseys Authentic, Rock & Brews Kansas City (Missouri) is slated to open early next year. "Rock & Brews is on fire around the globe," said Simmons. "People love bringing their families all day long and through dinner, and enjoy the rockin' social scene later in the evening."Stanley and Simmons, along with their co-founding partners,Cheap NFL Jerseys, restaurateur Michael Zislis and concert industry veterans Dave and Dell Furano, plan to open as many as 100 Rock & Brews restaurants in the next five years.The new Rock & Brews PCH welcomes local partner Jon Mesko, who will own and operate the Torrance location. The restaurant will feature the brand's signature casual American cuisine, a full bar including a broad selection of premium wines and craft beers, and there will be a 21-and-over lounge area with private tables, offering self-service beer taps, monitored through new iPad software that tracks consumption and also provides detailed information about other draft and bottled beers available at the restaurant. Join Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons on Wednesday, May 8 for the Grand Opening of Rock & Brews Pacific Coast Highway.

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