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發表於 2018-4-12 23:12:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Now Thomas will get his first career start — unless he performs poorly in practice. Then Arians said he could make a change.
With Stanton out,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, Arians turned to Lindley, not Thomas, in the crucial game against Seattle, choosing not to send the rookie against the NFL's No. 1 defense.
"We don't want to have another setback," Arians said. "He'll work into practice some this week and get some action in practice."
Quarterback play was only one of the things that went haywire Sunday night. The running game never gained traction and had to be abandoned when the team fell so far behind. Kerwynn Williams, after gaining 175 yards in 25 carries the previous two games,Wholesale MLB Jerseys, carried two times for 4 yards.
And that defense that prides itself as one of the NFL's best was shredded and overpowered, through the air and on the ground. The 596 yards allowed matched the second most in franchise history. Only the 1958 Chicago Cardinals gave up more, 683 against Pittsburgh.
Sunday's game at San Francisco has playoff implications. If the Cardinals win and Seattle loses at home to St. Louis, Arizona would win the NFC West and possibly the conference's No. 1 seed.
"Had he not had that minor setback last week, he would have probably tried to play in that one (against Seattle)," Arians said. "There's no way I'll play him this week unless I have to."
But when Stanton took over for Palmer after a shoulder injury, then went down with a concussion at Denver,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Thomas was forced into action. He completed an 81-yard touchdown pass to Andre Ellington, but his other seven throws fell incomplete.
Two days after Palmer's season-ending injury, the Cardinals signed Lindley off the San Diego practice squad. Lindley had been Arizona's No. 3 quarterback last season and was in training camp this year before losing the No. 3 job to Thomas.

"We need to find out what he can do for the future and the playoffs, if it were to come to that,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey," Arians said at his day-after news conference Monday. "That's my job — to make sure that we cover every base."
Either a Cardinals loss or Seahawks win would relegate Arizona to a wild-card spot and a first-round game on the road, most likely as the No. 5 seed.
Stanton, who took over when Carson Palmer went down with a season-ending knee injury, sprained his right knee in Arizona's 12-6 win at St. Louis on Dec. 11. He practiced on a limited basis last Thursday, but experienced some swelling in the knee.
It was Arizona's third loss in five games after a 9-1 start.
Arians insisted that starting Thomas "no way would be a reflection in the way that Ryan played,Cheap NFL Authentic Jerseys, only the chance for Logan to show that he can do something."
"I thought he was very calm," the coach said. "He was handling his protections extremely well. It was just a matter of finding the open guy and being accurate."
TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) — In the wake of Arizona's most one-sided loss in Bruce Arians time there, the coach says he's leaning toward starting rookie quarterback Logan Thomas in the regular-season finale.
Thomas would be the fourth quarterback to start for the Cardinals this season,Cheap Adidas Hockey Jerseys, third in the last three games.
Lindley completed 18 of 44 passes for 216 yards with one interception in Arizona's 35-6 loss to Seattle on Sunday night.
And when the game begins, Arians vowed to keep "the hook" handy and replace Thomas with Lindley.
Arians said he has "very, very high optimism" that Drew Stanton will be ready for the playoffs "because he wants to be ready."
Thomas, a fourth-round draft pick out of Virginia Tech, is a mobile 6-foot-6 quarterback with a cannon arm. Accuracy and decision making are his issues, and the Cardinals had wanted to have him watch from the sidelines all season as the third-string quarterback behind Palmer and Stanton.
Arians said he didn't think nerves got to Lindley.

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