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NFL Jerseys China up to yesterday around 17









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發表於 2018-4-14 00:15:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…not put vendors out of businessCity Hall’s ongoing efforts to transform the streets and market squares of Georgetown have met with mixed reactions, with the public seemingly divided. Some think that the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) is after the vendors that were until Sunday encamped and encroaching the city streets and pavements,Nike NFL Jerseys China, while others insist that the clearing and cleaning of the Stabroek Market Square, Water Street and Longden Street is a step in the right direction.As was previously reported by this newspaper, the movement started on Sunday with a clean-up of the Stabroek Market Square which was since extended to Monday,Wholesale Jerseys China, and which saw Water and Longden Streets being cleared of all illicit structures and stalls.Monday’s exercise was monitored by Town Clerk Royston King who had stated that anyone found guilty of infractions against City Regulations would be dealt with accordingly. The illicit structures along Water and Longden Streets were marked for dismantling,Cheap China Jerseys, but some vendors had asked for an extension of time for removal of goods and various items. This extension was granted, the stalls were since removed and the area cleared.Public Relations Officer of M&CC Debra Lewis stated all vendors and businesses in the area were given notice and they had all indicated their willingness to cooperate, but on the day of the exercise; some had complied while others did not.She further stated that they (M&CC) had cause to remove several mobile stands and stocks of some vendors, which were then taken to City Hall’s compound. She continued that while some vendors collected their stands and stocks, up to yesterday around 17:00 hrs, several persons were yet to uplift their property. Lewis emphasized that persons do not have to pay a removal fee or any fees for that matter, but simply have to identify and uplift their belongings.In a brief interview with Kaieteur News Lewis stated that M&CC continue to work as quickly as possible to prepare the new location earmarked for the temporary reloction of those displaced vendors. This newspaper understands that in a matter of days the proposed site should be ready for occupancy.“We ask those displaced to be patient with us (M&CC) as we strive to prepare the new location properly so that you (vendors) can be in a comfortable and secure environment.”Lewis indicated that as was previously reported, the new location would be equipped with sanitary facilities,Cheap NFL Jerseys Online, proper lighting and around-the-clock security.A source close to the “Markets Department” stated that an investigation was carried out and it was found that quite a number of persons peddling their wares in the city streets were owners of stalls in the Stabroek Market. This is an issue that Town Clerk Royston King had addressed at a recent meeting with vendors of the Stabroek Market area. King had indicated that if persons were found to be stallholders, they would be sent back to their stalls or as an alternative,Cheap NFL jerseys China, have the stalls taken from them and given to someone else that “really needs it”.“The persons that venture onto the streets and are owners of stalls are greedy,Cheap Arizona Cardinals Jerseys,” King had stated. He noted that this was causing overcrowding of the pavements and streets of Georgetown.Deputy Mayor Sherod Duncan and PRO Debra Lewis shared the same sentiment – that vendors should be aware that it is the M&CC’s responsibilty to look after the interest and welfare of all citizens of Georgetown and not just be partial to one sector. Lewis had also noted that City Hall is trying to ensure that fair, organized and legitimate vending is carried out throughout the various City Market municipalities.In an earlier article Deputy Mayor Duncan had stated that ‘’if Georgetown is to achieve international status, change is imperative.’’“This change has to include reordering, reorganizing, and subsequent beautification, all of which are integral parts of the general transformation of the city.”

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