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發表於 2018-4-14 03:23:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– One Magistrate serving 10courts and 11 districts including Berbice RiverThe Magistracy in Berbice is facing a severe crisis and the situation appears to be getting worse, according to some legal minds in the Ancient County.At present, only one Magistrate is operating in the entire East Berbice Region, much worse than what obtains in the East Coast Magistrate’s Courts.The Magistrate who is charged at the moment with doing the almost impossible is Chandra Sohan, who has the phenomenal task of presiding in 10 courts in 11 districts, from the Upper Corentyne to Berbice River.A breakdown of the Magistrate’s routine shows he has to be at Springlands on the Upper Corentyne on Thursdays and Fridays.On Wednesdays he has to preside at both Reliance in East Canje and at the same time preside at the No 51 Magistrate’s Court on the Upper Corentyne, some 30 miles away. On the same Wednesday he is expected to be at the Albion Magistrates’ Court, which also has court on Tuesdays. The Whim Magistrates’ Court has his attention on Mondays and Thursdays.Black Bush Polder holds session fortnightly on Tuesdays. New Amsterdam has two courts with sessions expected to be held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays and special sessions being held on Thursdays. The remand centre in New Amsterdam is also held on Thursdays at the Prison Officers Club.The Magistrate then has to travel more than 100 miles up the Berbice River where he holds court at Kwakwani every third Friday of the month.The East Bank Berbice District which has a court at Sisters’ Village has not operated in decades and unsuccessful efforts were made to resuscitate it.The situation became ugly with the suspension of Magistrate Geeta Chandan for allegedly leaving the jurisdiction without permission.She has since taken the Judicial Service Commission to court and has not resumed duties as yet.This newspaper has been reliably informed that Magistrate Chandan was on the ferry bound for Suriname when the Chancellor saw her and subsequently lodged a complaint with the JSC.The other Berbice Magistrate, Krisendat Persaud, has since proceeded on leave and Kaieteur News understands that he is out of the country.Magistrate Taejnarine Ramroop serves on the West Berbice district and at present supervises three courts.Some outspoken attorneys and other prominent individuals in Berbice have said that the government is only making a mockery of the situation by refusing to swear in magistrates appointed by the JSC.Outspoken attorney at law Charrandass Persaud told Kaieteur News that the situation is very unfair especially to litigants.“It is a really unfair situation, because persons have to languish in jail, due to no fault of theirs. There is simply no magistrate to try their cases.”“It is tantamount to justice delayed being justice denied,” the attorney continued.There are several thousand cases that are currently being addressed. Some of the matters are indictable while there are some summary matters that date as far back as the 1990s still to be completed.Additionally,Wholesale Jerseys, the situation poses a problem for Prosecutors.“Whenever a case is dismissed for the lack of prosecution because witnesses don’t turn up, you hear all kinds of talk about bribery,Cheap NBA Store, “ an official told the Kaieteur News.This is unfair to us because we try our best in dire straits like these. But because of the delays in the court system, witnesses are fed up and don’t turn up. There is very little that can be done,” one Prosecutor told this publication,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, echoing similar sentiments as their colleagues on the East Coast of Demerara.Only recently, the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) recommended the appointment of three new magistrates to make up for the shortage.But this newspaper understands that the administration did not find favour with two of the appointees, citing a lack of experience for not accepting the recommendation of the JSC.Kaieteur News reported earlier on the situation on the East Coast where one is left to handle five courts at Mahaica, Mahaicony, Sparendaam, Vigilance and Cove and John.The two other Magistrates who were serving the East Coast have both proceeded on leave. These are Magistrate Yohhanhseh Cave, who presided over the Sparendaam Court and Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, who served the courts at Vigilance and Cove and John.When contacted for a comment on the situation at the East Coast courts,Cheap Football Jerseys, Chancellor Carl Singh agreed that it was “difficult” for one Magistrate to man the East Coast courts, and said the Chief Magistrate (ag) Melissa Robertson was making arrangements to bring some relief,Supply Authentic NFL Jerseys, but with the situation in Berbice even worst, what will the chief magistrate now do? It is rather strange that the Chancellor is not aware of the situation in Berbice, which has passed crisis level.Singh had told Kaieteur News that this is the time when Magistrates go on leave and this results in situations as has developed on the East Coast, However, it must be noted that the Chancellor was not thinking about the entire country especially Berbice.One prominent Berbician said that this situation is tantamount to slavery. What will happen if the magistrate takes ill or is unavailable? Will he be suspended too? Or will the judicial system die? This is worst than one can think of.The Chancellor is head of the Judicial Service Commission which is directly responsible for appointing Magistrates.With the mid-July appointment of Sueanna Lovell, the country now has 19 Magistrates.Singh told Kaieteur News that two new magistrates are due to be appointed shortly.

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