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"Homo Sum", a brand new song from Polish technical death metallers DECAPITATED,Mats Sundin Jersey, can be streamed at GuitarWorld.com. It can also be heard using the SoundCloud player below. The track comes off the band's fifth studio album, "Carnival Is Forever",Jordin Tootoo Jersey, which is scheduled for release in North America on July 12 via Nuclear Blast Records. The CD's cover art was created by Lukasz Jaszak and can be seen below.The follow-up to 2006's "Organic Hallucinosis", "Carnival Is Forever" was recorded at Radio Gdansk Studio in Poland with producer Wacek Kieltyka and engineer Arkadiusz "Malta" Malczewski.  Drums were tracked with Daniel Bergstrand (BEHEMOTH, MESHUGGAH, DIMMU BORGIR, KEEP OF KALESSIN, DEFLESHED), who also handled mixing duties.  "Carnival Is Forever" track listing:01. The Knife02. United03. Carnival Is Forever04. Homo Sum05. 40406. A View From A Hole07. Pest08. Silence The "Carnival Is Forever" special-edition CD/DVD digipak (featuring different artwork) will contain "making-of" video footage from the album recording sessions.Commented DECAPITATED guitarist Waclaw "Vogg" Kieltyka: "[The album cover is] very intriguing and quite strange for a metal album but surely staying in memory. A vital thing is that it's a photo. We did not want any computer graphics this time or anything artificial or plastic. The same regards the production of the album. We had actually been thinking about getting a painting for the cover but unfortunately we couldn't do it. Maybe next time."Regarding the album title, Vogg previously said: "Carnival: war, rape, lies, pathology, evil displayed through certain events and situations of the latest years in the world.  Is Forever  I guess it doesn't need explaining.  Both in the text and the title, there is bitter irony.  The author of the title and all lyrics is Jarek Szubrycht (LUX OCCULTA,Felix Potvin Jersey, author of "No Mercy",Dave Keon Jersey, the worlds first biography of thrash metal legends SLAYER."DECAPITATED's new album will be released through Nuclear Blast Records in all territories except the band's home country where the group will make the CD available via its own label.DECAPITATED's lineup includes Waclaw "Vogg" Kieltyka on guitar, Kerim "Krimh" Lechner (THORNS OF IVY, TONE INTIMACY) on drums,Antoine Roussel Jersey, Rafal Piotrowski (KETHA,Vladimir Konstantinov Jersey, FORGOTTEN SOULS) on lead vocals, and Filip "Heinrich" Halucha (VESENIA, ROOTWATER,Tyler Seguin Jersey, UNSUN,Mario Lemieux Jersey, MASACHIST) on bass.

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