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發表於 2017-1-3 09:17:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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On April 1,Joe Vitale Jersey, guitarist John Petrucci of DREAM THEATER made an appearance at the San Francisco Guitar Center to talk about his new TC Electronic chorus and modulation pedal,Duncan Keith Jersey, the Dreamscape. Watch the clip below as John takes you through some of his signature tones and settings with the new gear.Petrucci was one of the first artists to join TC's revolutionary TonePrint concept. In total, John created five personal TonePrints in early 2011 — two for Corona Chorus,Mike Gartner Jersey, two for Shaker Vibrato and one for the Vortex Flanger. John loved having access to all effect parameters so much that he instantly agreed to develop a signature pedal together with TC — one that was based on his own TonePrints.  And so The Dreamscape was born.John wanted to gather all of his TonePrints into a single pedal even though his original TonePrints are for three different pedals in the series.  Therefore, his new signature pedal contains no less than three mind-blowing modulation effects that have been painstakingly tailored with an eye on even the tiniest detail by the master himself. To take this pedal over the top, John even created a brand new TonePrint for Vortex Flanger taking the total amount of custom-tweaked tones up to six — 2 x chorus, 2 x flanger and 2 x Vibrato.Further,Brian Bellows Jersey, there is a TonePrint setting for uploading or beaming other TonePrints to the pedal. In short, for all John Petrucci and DREAM THEATER fans, this pedal is a must-have, and for anybody else, it is a clever way of getting three top-notch modulation effects in a compact pedal that will only take up a minimum of real estate on their pedal boards.The Dreamscape has four knobs: Speed, Depth,Peter Holland Jersey, FX Level and one that chooses between the six integrated signature tones and one additional TonePrint. Further,Trevor Daley Jersey, the pedal has a three-way switch for toggling between Bright, Normal and Dark,Graham Knott Jersey, which is an overall tonal shaping feature chosen by Petrucci. Finally, The Dreamscape also contains all of the great features included in other TonePrint pedals such as true bypass, one-screw-battery-access and a sturdy design made for life on the road. The Dreamscape is exclusively available at Guitar Center in the U.S.John Petrucci visited three Guitar Center stores — in Manhattan (March 30),Jhonas Enroth Jersey, Central Chicago (March 31) and San Francisco (April 1) — to introduce The Dreamscape.  These in-store appearances gave musicians the opportunity to hear Petrucci unlock the power of The Dreamscape, take a photo and also get The Dreamscape signed by Petrucci.  The Dreamscape Main Features* Six Signature Tones Tailored by John Petrucci* One Brand New Flanger TonePrint* Three Mind-blowing Modulation Effects in One Pedal: Chorus, Flanger and Vibrato* Corona Chorus TonePrints Are Available as The Dreamscape TonePrintsPrice: USD 249 / EUR 249

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