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Authentic NHL Jerseys A female Sophia resident and the Mother’s Union









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發表於 2018-4-15 21:58:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A female Sophia resident and the Mother’s Union, a Christian group dedicated to the well-being of families in Guyana, have been honoured and rewarded by the Rotary Club of Georgetown Central for their contributions to Guyana.During its regular meeting yesterday at the Pegasus Hotel,Wholesale Jerseys, the recipients received plaques and cash as the Rotary Club announced that this week it is celebrating its annual Vocational Services Week.Maxine Cameron,Cheap Jerseys From China, according to Rotarian, Brentnol Archer, moved to Sophia 14 years ago where she was part of a women’s group until that body broke up. She then helped launch the Sophia Women Association and Youth With Purpose organizations which,China NFL Jerseys, using funds from the United Nations Development Fund (UNDP), trained 25 women as counselors.Cameron has also been instrumental in the organization of the now Annual Christmas Party for Sophia children and has been working with the Food For the Poor organization to provide 10 senior citizens with a monthly hamper.Two years ago,holesale NFL Jerseys, she was also in charge of the Educare Feeding Program at the Sophia Primary School. That one-year program was discontinued due to lack of funding.Cameron, in accepting her plaque, said that she was stunned when she received the letter from the Rotary Club informing her that she was selected,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, admitting that she broke down in tears.Meanwhile, the Mother’s Union organization, also came in for kudos for their sterling contributions.In addition to a parenting programme and day care centres, the organization has a library and Skills Training Centre in Berbice and conducts a feeding programme for school children and less fortunate children. Mother’s Union also works closely with handicapped children and has a programme to reward students excellent performances and provide school books and uniforms.In receiving the award from Dr Heather Johnson,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, the club’s President, Patricia Adams, Vice President of the Mother’s Union, said that she was humbled to be accepting the accolade. Mother’s Union, she said, is passionate about its work with families in Guyana.

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