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Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping APNU









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發表於 2018-4-16 09:28:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“NICIL is a rogue company. We cannot tolerate this sort of behavior in which government funds,Cheap Jerseys From China, state funds, the people’s money, are being disbursed without accountability,” said Opposition Leader, Brig. David Granger.NICIL Chairman, Winston BrassingtonHe remained adamant yesterday that the National Industrial and Commercial Investment Limited (NICIL) has to be stopped short in its tracks.The Opposition Leader was at the time speaking on recent disclosures surrounding one of Guyana’s controversial projects—the Marriott Hotel. Granger’s specific reference was to the fact that no investor has been named as yet and that NICIL is acting completely out of its league in “this entire Marriott deal.”Granger said, “We have held out,Cheap NFL Jerseys, from the outset that NICIL has not the authority to disburse funds which belong to the Guyanese Nation; except through the contingency fund.”Granger sought to explain that NICIL is not an independent entity. “It belongs to the state.” He said that as far as the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) is concerned, no organization or part of the state should be able to disburse millions of dollars or enter into “these” agreements without permission from the National Assembly.Granger insisted that when the National Assembly reconvenes, APNU is going to work assiduously to ensure that NICIL’s “operation” is brought within the purview of the Assembly.“We are talking about funds that belong to Guyanese. What if the money is lost or what if it’s all a scam? We don’t know.”Granger said, “We don’t know who this mystery investor is. Is it Mr. Jagdeo? Is it somebody from Alaska? We don’t know; we just don’t know and it’s the state money you talking about.The politician added,NFL Jerseys Outlet, “We are going to take a firm line on this matter.  And as we did in the Amaila Falls Hydro Project,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, which is also something that Mr. (Winston) Brassington is involved in, we are going to insist that this matter be brought to the floor of the National Assembly and the decisions will be recorded there.Opposition Leader,Wholesale Jerseys China, David GrangerMr. Brassington, I don’t know what he is on. But we are on ensuring that these actions take place within a legislative framework and the representatives of the people in the National Assembly will deliberate on it.”NICIL is the company initially responsible for the Marriott Project. It’s Chairperson, Winston Brassington, has set up Atlantic Hotel Inc (AHI),Jerseys NFL Wholesale, as a Special Purpose Vehicle to drive the project. Brassington is also Chairman of AHI.  During a recent press conference, he noted that Financial Closure had not been reached.No investor was named at that press conference and Brassington skirted questions pertaining to what is the alternative should there be no financial closure.Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

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