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Wholesale Jerseys "is overrated









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發表於 2017-1-3 12:15:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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STONE SOUR and SLIPKNOT frontman Corey Taylor played on December 1 at Corona Theater in Montreal, Quebec, Canada as part of his solo tour. Called "An Evening With Corey Taylor", the concerts feature Taylor doing both spoken-word and acoustic performances,Cheap NFL Jerseys, along with question-and-answer sessions with the audience. Fan-filmed video footage from the Montreal show can be seen below.Taylor, having recently slammed producer Rick Rubin during one of his "An Evening With..." performances,NFL Jerseys China, has now turned his wrath on STONE TEMPLE PILOTS singer Scott Weiland,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, calling Weiland a "lazy piece of shit" for recording and releasing an album of holiday standards called "The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year". During the spoken-word segment of his November 28 solo performance in Indianapolis, Taylor said, "Do you know that Scott Weiland has a Christmas album now? (laughs) Oh, it's bad. It's bad. Let me fucking explain to you how bad it is. There is a video online of him singing,Wholesale Jerseys, and he's very serious. 'Cause Christmas is serious. His hair is all slicked back and he's in his shitty tuxedo . . . and I'm just like,Cheap Jerseys From China, 'Why?' It's not that he's a bad singer, 'cause he's not. I love STP, I love some of the shit that he did with VELVET REVOLVER. It's not that he's a bad fucking singer. He's a lazy piece of shit is what he is at this point . . . It's all these people who would rather cash in on the little fucking notoriety that they have and take your money and give you nothing back."Taylor's comments came in the middle of a rant on the general lack of creativity in movies and music today. He added,Jerseys From China, "I work very fucking hard for my money  and when I actually spend money on something,Cheap NHL Jerseys, I expect it not to suck. Is that too much to fucking ask for anymore, man?"Taylor cut his own Christmas song a few years back and,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, like Weiland, told The Pulse Of Radio he's a big fan of the holiday. "I love Christmas," he said. "I love getting the family together,Cheap NBA Jerseys, I love hanging out. I love buying gifts for everyone. I'm that guy  like I don't even care if I get anything for Christmas, I'm gonna get people gifts because I just love to see them light up. I love it. It's one of my favorite times of the year."Taylor  who came close to replacing Weiland in VELVET REVOLVER late last year  performs on Sunday (December 4) in Boston.Taylor slammed Grammy-winning producer Rick Rubin two weeks ago at one of his solo performances. Taylor said that Rubin, who worked on SLIPKNOT's 2004 album, "Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses)", "is overrated, he is overpaid, and I will never work with him again as long as I fucking live."

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