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On August 29, "Tales From The Stage Volume 1" author Michael Toney conducted an interview with vocalist Paul Shortino (ROUGH CUTT, QUIET RIOT, KING KOBRA). You can now watch the chat below.A video for the new KING KOBRA song "Have A Good Time" will be filmed this Friday,Cheap NBA Jerseys, September 7 at Vamp'd in Las Vegas, Nevada. The track will be featured on the band's next album, due in early 2013 via Frontiers Records. KING KOBRA guitarist David Michael-Phillips previously stated about the band's new material, "We've got a high-energy combination of the classic KING KOBRA sound mixed with some of our favorite (heavy) influences: LED ZEPPELIN,Cheap Jerseys, WHITESNAKE, BLUE MURDER. Cool,NFL Jerseys China, heavy grooves, great melodies, soulful lead vocals by Paul Shortino, infectious harmonies and hooks...blazing guitars by yours truly and the thundering rhythm section of Johnny Rod and the legendary Carmine Appice! This is the next natural progression of 'Ready To Strike' and our last,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, self-titled album,Wholesale Jerseys, 'King Kobra'." Other songtitles set to appear on the next KING KOBRA CD include "In The Night", "Feelin' Fine", "Take Me Back", "Deep River", "Got It Comin'" and "We Go Round".Formed in 1984 by legendary drummer Carmine Appice (VANILLA FUDGE, ROD STEWART, OZZY OSBOURNE), Los Angeles heavy metal outfit KING KOBRA recorded two critically acclaimed albums for Capitol Records — the 1985 release "Ready To Strike" and 1986's "Thrill Of A Lifetime". Along with Carmine,Cheap MLB Jerseys, the band featured four relatively unknown musicians at the time — David Michael-Philips and Mick Sweda on guitar, Johnny Rod on bass and Mark Free on lead vocals. KING KOBRA toured the U.S., Canada, Europe and Mexico playing shows with KISS,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, IRON MAIDEN, QUIET RIOT, TED NUGENT,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, QUEENSRŸCHE and AUTOGRAPH. The band was featured regularly on MTV and performed the theme song for the #1 1986 motion picture "Iron Eagle". After disbanding in 1988, each member continued his career in other successful major-label groups — Carmine to BLUE MURDER (Geffen),Cheap Jerseys From China, Mark Free to UNRULY CHILD (Interscope), Mick Sweda to the BULLETBOYS (Warner Bros.), Johnny Rod to W.A.S.P. (Capitol/EMI) and David Michael-Philips to LIZZY BORDEN (Metal Blade).The year 2010 saw the band reunite the original classic '85 lineup, replacing original singer Mark Free (now Marcie Free) with veteran lead vocalist Paul Shortino (ROUGH CUTT, QUIET RIOT).

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